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Welcome to the
Church on the Green

All are welcome. All are loved. All are included. All are celebrated. 
We can’t wait to meet you.

Worship Services

8:00 am | The Chapel

This worship gathering is simple, intimate, and contemplative. We gather and take Communion together every Sunday.

10:00 AM | Sanctuary and Online

This gathering is joyful, uplifting, and relevant. We take Communion the first Sunday of the month.

10:00 am worship

childcare information

Children are always welcome to stay in worship, but for those with infants through first graders, we do offer childcare in the kids’ room off of the Sanctuary during our 10:00 am worship service. Our childcare is always attended by an adult caregiver and sometimes an additional teenage helper. All volunteers have background checks and clearances as required by New Jersey state law and have participated in a Child Protection Training provided by PCM. You must sign your child in and out, and someone will come get you if your child needs you. Our greeters or ushers will be glad to take you to the room if you wish someone to show you the way!

Want to join us for worship
but don’t know what to expect?

Our Podcast

Listen to Weekly Sermons and Devotionals wherever you get your podcasts!