Welcome to the
Presbyterian Church in Morristown
Most Sundays at the close of our time together, we say “Our worship ends, but our service begins, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God?”
It’s a quote from the prophet Micah that we take seriously here at PCM where we strive to live as God intends us to: working for justice and mercy, living with compassion and humility, being the kind of people who gather each week for inspiring and uplifting worship and then who go out into the community trying to make our world a better place for all.
We’re not a perfect church but we do our best to love our community in the name of Jesus. And if our community might include you, either in person or online, we’d love to welcome you here.
If you’re looking for a place to slow down a bit, to wrestle with your questions, to experience a little joy, well I hope you’ll find that here, too.
At PCM, we love connecting with our neighbors and meeting new people, so if you’re thinking of checking us out please know that we would love to have you come by sometime, and that wherever you are on the journey of faith, you are welcome here.