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Nurture Faith. Support Mission. Work For Justice and Peace. Build Community. Develop Leaders.

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.

who we are

making the world a better place for all of god's children

We build community, affirm women’s calls to leadership and spiritual growth, and are also part of Presbyterian Women, Inc., the women’s organization in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). In our circles which meet monthly we offer a loving community that can challenge and nurture you, and be a vehicle for making the world a better place for all of God’s children. We elect our own leadership, plan and implement our programs and determine our own budgets. Whether you want to get more information, join one of our existing circles or start a new one, contact Sherry, our moderator.

what we do

“Nurturing our faith through prayer and Bible study” is the first point of our purpose, and the reason for this priority is clear:

As Presbyterian Women, we affirm the PC(USA)’s position that scripture is the written word of God, guiding and inspiring us, individually and collectively. Put another way, nurturing our faith is key to discerning how God through the Holy Spirit would like for us to be (and act) in this world.

Presbyterian Women publishes a bible study each year that we use locally in four Saturday gatherings, sometimes in the fall or during Lent. Our circles and small groups also use this resource.

Presbyterian Women also nurture faith by participating in ecumenical movements.

World Day of Prayer  is a global, ecumenical movement of Christian women from more than 170 countries and regions who together pray and act for peace and justice each year on a day set aside for that purpose.

Fellowship of the Least Coin is a global, ecumenical prayer movement that invites women to pray for peace and reconciliation and to set aside the least coin of their country as a symbol of that prayer.

For more than 200 years, Presbyterian women everywhere have demonstrated a commitment to serve the mission of the church in special, caring ways.

For Presbyterian Women, supporting mission means that we respond to God’s love for us by offering our many gifts to ensure wholeness for all. We bring Christ’s love to the world.

Some of the ways we support mission are:

  • Thank and Birthday Offerings – Freewill offerings to help fund grants which are given to mission projects aimed at improving the lives of women and children around the world and in the U.S.A.
  • We sponsor Jan’s Closet, where clothes are given out to those in need and in an emergency.  Clothing donations are made by members and friends of the church and then distributed.  There are so many stories of people who have found just what was needed at Jan’s Closet, including friendship, a warm smile and clothing. 
  • Financial support of Nourish.NJ, Interfaith Food Pantry, National PCUSA mission projects, scholarships for girls in Kenya, Morris Area Girl Scout camperships and many others.
  • During normal (no pandemic) times, we cook and serve meals for Nourish.NJ.
  • As a mission at home, we decorate the Parish House for the Advent season.

We are called to share God’s love with the world, by being God’s hands in the world. We answer God’s call to “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God” (Micah 6:8).

PW is an active member of the UN Conference on the Status of Women and participates in seminars, studies and advocates for the rights of women and girls throughout the world.

We respond to local or regional justice and peace needs. We’ve made cookies for the jail, organized a conference – “Prevention of Violence against Women”, raised funds for charitable organizations who help the powerless.

As disciples of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Presbyterian Women is committed to finding, nurturing and building community in our circles and our community and throughout the world.

We stand with each other celebrating the good times and supporting each other through the difficult times.

Our Circles of women meet monthly, offering programs, hands-on mission opportunities and fellowship.

Presbyterian Women provides an atmosphere that promotes personal growth and develops women’s gifts of responsible and visionary leadership.

Leadership development opportunities are available at the Presbytery, Synod and National levels.

We award the May C. McIntosh Memorial Scholarship to candidates attending higher education.

monthly | Parish House

pw circles

Circle 2 – Contact Marcia Heiden

Circle 5 – Contact Molly Rauter

Circle 11 – Contact Mikey Duffill

Circle 12 – Contact Sherry Guthrie