Session Update

Session Highlights: April 2023

Changes in Register:

New Members:

By Reaffirmation of Faith, On March 19, 2023- Stephanie Crean (#9950) and Kristen Gatter (#9951).


  • On March 19, 2023: Infant
  • On March 26, 2023: Infants


  • #9383- Felicia Kolcun, January 14
  • #  396-  Constance B. Meunier, January 28
  • #8847- Scott Frahlich*, February 12   (#8846-Jean Frahlich*, 10/31/2014)
  • *Former members, had transferred- PCM was notified of their passing)

From the Consent Agenda:

  • Reinstate Gayle Pearson as a member of PCM
  • Remove from membership, at their request, Barbara and Donald Callahan
  • Remove with Regrets: Constance B. Meunier, Date of Death January 28, 2023,
  • A. Scott Frahlich, Date of Death February 12, 2023.

Presbytery Happenings and Information:

Next Meeting: Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m. is a hybrid meeting (zoom & at Camp Johnsonburg). Commissioned elders for this meeting: Craig Barth, Linda Schober & Betty Darcy.

The final voting will take place on the proposed amendments to the Book of Order at this meeting. 

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy M Doidge

Clerk of Session

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