Changes in Register:
- None
- None
New Members:
- None
- None
- None
Removed from Roll:
- Donna Tomlinson, #9831, and Hank Tomlinson, #9832, at their request
Session Approved the Following:
- To hire a contracted person to fill the communications role (to be coordinated with M&A)
- To restart the monthly lunches, sponsored by C&M
- To approve the serving of wine at the June 3rd Community & Membership event
- To continue with the 8:00 a.m. Chapel worship service, with Communion served, through May 29, 2022
Presbytery Meeting: May 10, 2022:
Commissioned elders for this meeting: Craig Barth, Dianne Grenz, and Dick Kaller
Respectfully submitted,
Wendy M. Doidge
Clerk of Session