Jacob’s Ladder: God is present in unexpected places
Rev. Daniel Vigilante | Reading: Genesis 28:10-17
Some people have a gift for remembering their dreams. I consider them lucky because I’ve never been one of them. In this story from Genesis, we read about Jacob, who encountered God in a dream in which he saw a stairway extending from earth to heaven. He heard the voice of God telling him that the land on which he was sleeping was holy – and that God was with him in that place.
I’ve never been lucky enough to remember most of my dreams, but I have been blessed to experience God’s presence at many different times and in countless varied ways. In fact, as I reflect upon it now – rarely have I experienced a sense of God’s presence in dreams – it’s almost always been through people. When I have moved to new places, church members have welcomed me and made me feel at home. When I have struggled to make sense of this world that often feels so cruel, I have seen God at work in the kindness of others. When my father passed away, a simple text from a friend reminded me that even in my grief, I was not alone.
God’s presence is made known in dreams, but more often through the love of people. Which makes me wonder – how are you being called to make God known through this season of Lent?
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