Saved by Grace Through Faith
Achilles Oracz Georghiou | Please Read Today’s Passage: Ephesians 2:1-10
We are each born with our own unique set of talents. This is merely potential. Developing skills takes very deliberate, consistent effort. To know where to correctly place our energy, we must be guided by God. God’s guidance resides in the deepest emotions of the heart.
Invariably, we must overcome obstacles so that we may pursue our purpose. Distractions, negative emotions, unhealthy relationships, and temptations test us. Perseverance requires resolute conviction in our purpose. This is possible only through pure faith.
At one point in my twenties, I found myself drifting from my convictions, swayed by others’ advice that came from a place of doubt. As distance increased between myself and my purpose, I felt increasingly displaced within my own world. Things began to fall out of sync, and nothing seemed natural. This was the farthest I have ever felt from God.
After some months, I came to realize that I had strayed from the correct path. God’s intention can be found only by searching within one’s self. I took the leap of faith, trusted in God’s guidance, and pursued music as a career.
I am now 38 years old, married with two beautiful children, and our family is supported entirely through music. Having faith in God’s intention was the best decision of my life, and I am forever thankful to be saved by God’s grace.
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