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Circle Pie

2022 Pie Sale

2022 Pie Sale

LAST CALL! Please place your order by THURSDAY 11/17! Download the form below and send to Molly Rauter!

Back by popular demand, Presbyterian Church Circle 5 will again be baking and selling pies! We are making both Pumpkin and Apple Pies. Orders should be received by Sunday, November 13th. Pies must be pre-ordered this year. 

Price: $15 per pie, or any donation.

Please complete the order form below and return it to the office or via email by 11/13. Pies may also be ordered by emailing  Pies will be available for pick up on Sunday 11/20 after church.

Payment may be made via Breeze, cash or check.  Checks are made out to PCM – PW Circle 5. Pies not picked up on 11/20 will be put in the freezer and you will need to pick them up at the Parish House. Any pies left after Tuesday 11/22 will be donated.  If you have special requests or need to make other arrangements, please notate them on the order form.  

Thank you for your support!

Questions?  Email Molly Rauter (

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