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A Note from Rev. Daniel

Dear friends,

Greetings from Friendship, NY! I’m here with many others from PCM as part of this year’s Rise youth mission trip. Not only is it a beautiful place on God’s good earth, but it’s been amazing to work alongside others from our church as we serve in this community. We have three work teams from our congregation (along with three more from other NJ churches), who are painting a house, building an accessibility ramp, and removing a water-damaged kitchen floor and replacing it with a new one. Other groups are roofing and repairing or replacing porches.

I’ve only been here a couple days, but it’s inspiring to see our young people connect with one another and the folks from Rise. They work hard and put in an incredible amount of effort. We should be proud of them and of all the adults who are leading them, especially Patrick Allred. I’m grateful for Patrick’s dedicated presence with our youth and the caring and faithful way he points them toward Christ.

Coming up in worship this Sunday, we’ll continue our sermon series The Gospel According To… featuring, this week, Ted Lasso. If you’ve never seen this award-winning show, you’re in for a treat! Its tagline is “kindness makes a comeback,” which is a pretty wonderful message for the times in which we live. Maybe that’s why it resonates so strongly with everyone who watches it. We’ll also have some really fun and catchy music from the likes of Harry Styles and The Beatles.

It’s going to be an awesome worship service and I hope to see you there!

In Christ’s love,

Scripture for Sunday: 1 Corinthians 13

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