
An Update from Pastor Daniel

Dear PCM Family,

Warmest Advent greetings to each of you. I pray you are well and hope to see you in church during this most special season. 

I’m writing to share the news that two of our beloved staff members will be moving on from PCM. While we will miss both of them tremendously, I celebrate and give thanks for their outstanding service to our congregation and wish them the best as they transition to new roles beyond our church.

Patrick Allred has been pursuing a Masters Degree in Social Work at Rutgers University, balancing his role here at PCM alongside his classwork and, as of this fall, an intensive practicum – not to mention being a husband and father. Concluding his ministry at our church will allow Patrick to offer more time to his family and to his studies. Patrick has done so much by providing a safe and supportive (and fun!) environment for our young people. I fully support his decision and feel grateful for all he has done for our church, and especially for our youth. His last Sunday will be December 31, 2023.

Dr. Matthew Webb has also shared the news that he will be transitioning to a new position in a new city. His last Sunday at PCM will be January 7, 2024. Matt has been a fixture here for the last 12 years, faithfully leading our incredible music program with knowledge, creativity, and skill. All of us who have worshipped here have benefited from his considerable gifts and the way he brings out the very best in our musical ensembles. He has not only been a devoted leader of our handbell and choral groups, but also a valued colleague and friend to so many in our congregation. 

To say that Patrick and Matt will be missed is a massive understatement. Nonetheless, I am thrilled for both of them – that God is calling them to a new and exciting chapter in their lives and ministries – and I pray God’s blessings upon them as they finish their time at PCM. 

Saying Farewell…

Patrick will be preaching at the 10:00 am service on Christmas Eve. Afterward, our Youth and Young Adult Committee will be hosting the Fellowship Hour as a time to celebrate Patrick and his family (Hannah, Henry, and Jane will all be there at 11:00 am) and to wish them well. 

You can contribute to a Purse in Patrick’s honor by clicking this link ( or by writing “Patrick Allred” in the memo line of a check made out to PCM. Please contribute by December 31, 2023.

Matt’s final Sunday at PCM will be January 7, 2024. We will be hosting a celebration in his honor that day, details TBA. 

You can contribute to Matt’s Purse by clicking this link ( or by writing “Matthew Webb” in the memo line of a check made out to PCM. Please also contribute by December 31, 2023.

Next Steps…

Our Management and Administration Committee has put transition plan in place to cover Patrick and Matt’s work for the remainder of the program year. 

Youth Ministry

  •  Youth Groups: Abby Semple and Kevin Johnson, two of our wonderful advisors, have agreed to plan and facilitate youth group meetings in the new year.
  • Confirmation: Alexandra Mead will coordinate the remaining confirmation classes, which conclude with Confirmation Sunday, May 5, 2024.

Music Ministry

Sarah Michal will become our Interim Director of Music on January 1, 2024. Sarah already serves as one of our Choral Scholars and is well-acquainted with our music program. In addition, Sarah is the Director of Choirs at Drew University and the Artistic Director of the New Jersey Gay Men’s Chorus.

  • Chancel Choir: Sarah Michal will lead and direct the Chancel Choir, including its concert tour to France in May, 2024.
  • Chancel Ringers: Ignacio Angulo-Pizarro will take over direction of the Chancel Ringers, beginning January 8, 2024.
  • Bel Canto and Bel Melodia: Sarah Michal will lead the children’s choirs, including the Voice for Life programming at Mid-week. 

While things will undoubtedly be different during this period of transition, I’m grateful for the people who are stepping-up and stepping-in to ensure that our programs are covered and our youth and music ministries will continue to thrive. I hope you’ll join me in welcoming and expressing thanks for Abby, Kevin, Alexandra, Sarah, and Ignacio, as well as all of our other leaders and volunteers.

And, if I may ask a favor of you – when you see Patrick and Matt – please, by all means, let them know they will be missed. Thank them for their service. Praise them for their incredible contributions to the life of our church. Those are the kind and gracious words we want them to remember about PCM.

We will be okay. We will transition to new leadership and move forward, confident that God goes with us, just as God goes with them. Let’s celebrate their many accomplishments. And let’s await the new things that God will do in and through The Presbyterian Church in Morristown.

In Christ’s love,


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