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JULY 2022

You Are Invited! |
The Presbytery of the Highlands of NJ and the Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Morristown Invite you to the Service of Ordination of Audrey Webber to the office of Minister of the Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church(U.S.A.) on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 3:00 pm at the Presbyterian Church in Morristown 57 East Park Place Morristown, NJ |

JUNE 2022
We Have a New Senior Pastor!
Welcome Rev. Daniel Vigilante

On June 26, the congregation voted to approve Rev. Daniel Vigilante as our new Senior Pastor and Head of Staff. Daniel was raised in the Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains and graduated from Morristown High School, so he already knows quite a few of our members. He comes to us with an impressive leadership record at St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach, CA, Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, and Grace-Trinity Community Presbyterian Church, also in Minneapolis. Daniel will be consulting with our staff during this transitional period and will take over leadership on September 1, leading his first full service on September 11. We look forward to Daniel’s leadership with great joy and optimism.
Watch this space for more information on Daniel’s Installation in the coming weeks.
Introducing Reverend Audrey Webber
Covenant Supply Associate Pastor

Audrey cannot wait to begin as the new Covenant Supply Associate Pastor at Morristown! Aside from living in Princeton during seminary, she has been in New York City since middle school. Prior to that, she lived in upstate New York and California. She graduated from Hunter College with a double major in Religious Studies and Art History and graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary with her MDiv focusing on pastoral care. She is also currently in the PhD program in Practical Theology at the University of Glasgow.
Audrey is passionate about pastoral care and hospitality and is on a mission to use creative ways to connect with our loving God and one another. She is committed to leading the church in finding new and innovative initiatives to help communities feel welcome and cared for while retaining the tradition and amazing sources the church has to offer. Being with people is her passion, especially in the context of the church preferably over some kind of chocolate dessert or mac and cheese! She is also committed to using the arts in her pastoral care as well as in worship and programming. She has had the opportunity to combine these interests in her work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, First Presbyterian Church of Forest Hills, and through leading workshops about spirituality and the arts.
In her free time, Audrey loves a chance to create art, write, root on the Yankees, visit museums, watch some 1930s and ’40s movies, and spend time with her husband Woodie and their three-year-old son Russell.
Audrey will be starting service with us at PCM the last week in July.
MAY 2022

Interfaith Food Pantry Network (IFPN) continues to see a very high need for food in families in Morris County. IFPN, who has been working diligently to meet this need since 1994, describes its endeavors as “Neighbors Helping Neighbors.” That’s where our congregation comes in: we need your generosity once again to be good neighbors and help Take a Bite Out of Hunger through our IFPN May Food Drive from the 1st to the 22nd. Outreach thanks you so much!!!
DONATE FOOD (see current food needs below):
—Drop off non-perishable food in IFPN Bins at the Parish House, inside the front door, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
—Drop off food at the Sanctuary on the 4 Sundays between May 1st and 22nd; there will be a bin in the Narthex by the What’s Up table and one in Mutch Hall by the back entrance.
***Consider low-salt, low sugar, and gluten-free items as well as regular
- Dry milk (1 qt pkg)
- Evaporated milk
- Soups (hearty, low sodium & condensed)
- Canned fruit
- Cereal (low sugar, high fiber)
- Hamburger Helper, Rice-a-Roni, Mac & Cheese
- Pasta & tomato sauce/tomato products
- Canned vegetables and beans (all types but green beans)
- Canned meats/meals, ravioli, hash, stew, chili & tuna
- Peanut & jelly in plastic jars
- Boost, Boost Glucose Control, Ensure or Glucerna
- Baby food stages 1,2, and 3 fruits, vegetables, meats, and meals
—Mail a check to the Parish House at 65 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07960 OR bring a check to the Narthex; there will be a collection basket on the What’s Up table. (Write IFPN in the memo line.)
—Give online through Breeze. Select Interfaith Food Pantry Network from the drop-down menu.
The Breeze drop-down menu for PDA (Presbyterian Disaster Assistance) Ukraine Emergency Response, or a check (memo: PDA Ukraine) mailed to the Parish House are still good ways to offer material support to the people of Ukraine affected by war. Whether fleeing as refugees or staying at home, all people need food, safe shelter, and supplies for daily life. PDA has contacts, experience, and reliable partners on the ground to transform our financial support into demonstrations of our love. DONATE HERE |

WHAT IS PDA UKRAINE DOING? At this time, they are in the emergency response phase. This means supporting refugees in transit (Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Ukraine in addition to refugees who have crossed borders) with food, hygiene items, potable water, baby supplies, first aid, psychosocial support and more. PDA partners on the ground have shared that they anticipate this crisis to require mid-term and long-term response, so the needs will change over time. For the most up to date information, visit |
APRIL 2022

MARCH 2022
Update from the PNC
The PNC has finished reviewing 40 Minister Information Forms (resumes) and has completed a first round of interviews with promising candidates. We have now moved several candidates forward to more in-depth second-round interviews. All the candidates have been impressed by PCM’s commitment to mission and our role as a Mathew 25 congregation. Please continue to keep the committee in your prayers.
Worship Update
This Sunday, March 20th, we welcome the Reverend Jeanne Bragdon Radak as leader of our 10 am service of worship. Reverend Radak serves as the Presbytery Leader of the Presbytery of the Highlands of New Jersey. There will be no 8:00 am service this week.
Scholarships Available!
There are several scholarships available for PCM members attending institutions of higher learning. More information and applications are available here. The deadline for applications is May 16th.
COVID Policy Update
Beginning March 8, 2022, masking will be optional in the Sanctuary and Parish House. During nursery school hours, masking practice in the Parish House will follow PCNS practice.
From the Pastor Nominating Committee:

The Pastor Nominating Committee continues to make progress in reviewing Pastor Information Forms from candidates interested in the Senior Pastor position at PCM, and we have begun the first round of interviews via Zoom. We are impressed by the quality of candidates interested in leading our congregation. We welcome your prayers as we continue our work.

“Share your food with the hungry and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.” Isaiah 58:7
People need to connect. Through our Church, we connect with one another, in whatever way we are able, and celebrate the many ways God connects with us. During Lent, we celebrate not only that God connects with us through Jesus’ resurrection but also that he connects us with “those who have least,” as Matthew 25 says. People who experience oppression, need, loss or failure are those always embraced by Jesus as he sought to comfort and care for them.
Fortunately, The One Great Hour of Sharing mission allows us today, in Christ’s name, to continue to connect with those in need by giving generously. For over 70 years Presbyterians, especially our congregation, have contributed to this mission and its three organizations: The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), and The Self-Development of People (SDOP). The PDA receives 32% of funds raised, enabling them to work alongside communities to foster recovery and hope after devastation by natural or human caused disasters, and to support refugees. The PHP receives 36% of funds raised, allowing them to take action to alleviate hunger and the systemic causes of poverty so all may be fed and creation cared for. And, lastly, the SDOP receives 32% of funds raised, so they can invest in communities as a response to their experiences of oppression, poverty and injustice; SDOP also educates all Presbyterians about the impact of these issues.
God is calling us to care for his creation; he is calling us to connect with those in need; and he is calling us to share our many blessings. You may send a check (memo: OGHS) to the Parish House (65 South Street, Morristown 07960), text OGHS to 91999, or use Breeze, where there is a dropdown menu for this mission.

Photos from Pastor Sarah’s Last Sunday with Us
Photos by Bruce Frazier

Presbyterian Women 2022 Memorial Scholarship In honor of May C. McIntosh
Each year Presbyterian Women awards a scholarship to someone desiring to continue their education post-high school. The scholarship is available to all members (age 17 and older) actively involved in the life of this church. Applications must be returned by May 23, 2022. The scholarship will be awarded on Recognition Sunday on June 19.
The Session of the Presbyterian Church in Morristown calls the Annual Congregational Meeting for February 13, 2022 at 11am, in person in the sanctuary at the Church on the Green, for the purpose of receiving the annual committee reports, presenting the 2022 budget, ratifying previous online congregational meeting actions, approving a by-law change to permit electronic meetings, electing a nominating committee, dissolving the call of Associate Pastor Sarah Green, and any other business which may rightly come before the congregation. Snow date is scheduled for February 27.
Please note that we hope to celebrate Pastor Sarah’s ministry immediately following the Annual Meeting, if public health circumstances permit. The Annual Meeting will be livestreamed for viewing, but we do not have the capacity to collect online votes.

During this current COVID outbreak, Pre-Registration required for Christian Yoga
To maintain appropriate social distancing, attendance is limited to six participants. Please contact Christine Volinsky to sign up.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Please note that the Church Office will close at noon on December 24th and will be closed all day on December 30th and 31st.

All young children are invited to participate in our family Christmas Eve Service. We have costumes for all, donkeys, sheep, angels, shepherds and more! Visiting grandchildren, friends and neighbors are invited to participate.
RSVPs are appreciated so we have an idea of how many will be coming. Contact Alexandra to sign up. Please arrive by 3:40 pm so we can get everyone into their costumes. Looking forward to seeing you and Merry Christmas!
The Parish House parking lot will be closed this Friday, December 10, for tree removal. If you need to visit, please use street parking.
We are currently accepting donations of any amount for Christmas Remembrances, which will be included with the Christmas Eve bulletins. Please include your name(s) and your honoree(s) name(s) as you would like them to appear, and whether the donation is “In Honor of” or “In Memory of”. You may contact the church office at or contact Lynne at 973-769-3701.

You are invited to send Christmas /Hanukkah cards to our friends at Spring Hills, Morristown. If you would like to send a card or learn more about getting involved, please contact Helen at by December 14.
Now that fellowship time after church has come back and is newly simplified, volunteers are needed to provide goodies on December 19, January 23 and 30, or any other Sunday in 2022. Please call Donna at 973-590-6145 or email her at to volunteer.
We are in need of Ushers for Sunday and Christmas Eve services. If you would like to volunteer to usher, please let us know by contacting the main office at
Looking for volunteers and or committees to take a few Sundays to help provide light refreshments and celebrate an occasional event for fellowship hour. Please contact Dianne if interested at
Help families in need by volunteering with other PCM members at the outdoor Table of Hope Food Pantry on Thursday, December 9 from 12:15 – 2:15 pm at Bethel Church in Morristown (59 Spring St, 07963). To sign up, email Karen at
You are invited to send Christmas /Hanukkah cards to our friends at Spring Hills, Morristown. If you would like to send a card or learn more about getting involved, please contact Helen at by December 14.
Dear PCM Community,
The Session has voted to remove all Covid based food and drink restrictions. Eating and drinking and use of the kitchens is now permitted in all buildings. Current masking protocols remain in place for now, except when eating and drinking.
Let the feasting begin!
Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp
In partnership with Peapack Gladstone Bank, nourish.NJ will host a Christmas Tree Sale from November 26-30 and 100% of the proceeds will benefit nourish.NJ programs! Be sure to buy your Christmas Tree at Peapack’s Boonton branch (10 Ely Place). Sale hours: 11/26-11/28 from 12-8 pm and 11/29-11/30 from 4-8 pm. Learn More.

Weekly, beginning Monday, November 29th
Mondays from 1:30-2:30 pm in the Parish House-Erdman Room. Led by Alexandra.
Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 pm via Zoom. Led by Pastor Leslie.
Thursdays from 11:30 am-1:00 pm via Zoom, Led by Alexandra.
To sign up please contact Alexandra at or Pastor Leslie at

Christ The King Thanksgiving Festival Sunday Photos
Photos by Bruce Frazier

Discernment Report
Click here to view the Discernment Committee’s Report to Presbytery.
Come decorate an evergreen wreath and enjoy some festive treats! This is a free event but RSVP is required.

Help brighten our sanctuary this Christmas by making a Poinsettias donation. If interested, please contact Lynne at 973-769-3701.

The Presbyterian Church Nursery School is running a holiday fundraiser – this is an easy one! If you are planning on buying poinsettias this holiday season, please remember us from 11/26 to 12/3. Country Mile Gardens in Morristown, will give our Nursery School 20% back if you mention us when paying for your poinsettias. Presbyterian Church Nursery School thanks you for your support!

Meet and Greet Pastor Leslie – Sunday, November 14
Some of us have already met Interim Pastor, the Rev. Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp, but just case, this Sunday following 10am worship, we will host another meet and greet at the Church on the Green, for those who missed the last one or would like to reacquaint themselves with Pastor Leslie.
Youth and Young Adults Join Local Coat Drive
Close to 400 people attended the event with many showing up early for a coat, hat and scarf. People arrived at the event and were assigned a number. That number indicated their age and what they were in need of which helped the volunteers to direct them to the proper section. View Full Article.

November 3
Bereavement Notice
We have received word of the death of the Rev. Roland Perdue, who served PCM briefly as an interim pastor. The Rev. Perdue was 88 years old and living in Texas. Condolences may be sent to
Sunday Name Tag
We haven’t seen each other for a while, there are also new members we may not know, and it’s challenging to recognize each other with masks on. Please wear your name tags to Sunday service. If you need a name tag, please contact Vern at He will be happy to make you a new one!
Sycamore Tree Update
Our beloved Sycamore tree, standing in the center of the Parish House parking lot, is dying. Over the past 5 years, we have spent $5,800 on maintenance, pruning, and regular check-ups with the arborist. We have known for the past few years that our Sycamore would one day need to be removed. Now, that time has come.
The Buildings & Grounds committee is considering different uses for the salvageable wood-so that we may be reminded of its’ beauty and steadfast protection over these many years. We would like to hear from you; please send any stories you may have about the tree, concerns about the removal, and any thoughts on how to use the wood to Sue at
A full article with photos will be in the December issue of Tower Tidings.
Sue Wood,
B&G Chair
Scam Alert
There is an email scam going around asking members to contact Pastor Leslie. DO NOT REPLY TO THESE EMAILS. Mark the email as Spam or Junk or if your email provider allows, as a Phishing attack. Learn more on how to protect yourself.
Special Congregational Meeting
The Session of the Presbyterian Church in Morristown has called a special congregational meeting in-person on Sunday, November 21, immediately following 10am worship for the election of Elders and Deacons and, if the way be clear, for the election of the Pastor Nominating Committee. Save-the-date!

3rd Grade Bible Sunday
“To See or Not to See” with the Rev. Sarah Green.

Follow along with the bulletin.
Circle 5 Pie Back Sale

Pumpkin and Apple Pies
Back by popular demand, Presbyterian Women’s Circle 5 will again be baking and selling pies! $15 each (or any donation) – must be ordered by November 14. Pick up on Sunday, November 21, after church or at the Parish House until November 23. Any pies left after November 23 will be donated! If you need to make other arrangements, please note them on the order form. Thank you for your support!
Order Your Pie Here!
Fall Food Drive

Fall Food Drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry
November 1 thru November 21
Our neighbors in Morris County need help! Thousands of families rely on the Interfaith Food Pantry Network to celebrate a holiday meal on Thanksgiving as well as stock their empty shelves for the autumn season. Our congregation has always believed that November is a month of thanksgiving and sharing with others, and we have a special opportunity to do a second food drive with IPFN this fall. So…as you give thanks, give food! IFPN needs Thanksgiving food (we are collecting the non-perishable trimmings only!) and they also need basic foods and money. Lists of needed food can be found below and if you are thinking Thanksgiving food, you must have your donation to us by November 15.
Food donations can be dropped off
- On the Parish House porch Monday – Thursday 9am-3pm
- During Sunday services at the Church on the Green. Collection bins are in the Narthex and Mutch Hall back entrance.
You can also order food via an Amazon Food Drive wish list here: Food ordered on the wish list will be delivered to the Parish House.
Financial donations welcomed!
- Checks should be made out to the Presbyterian Church in Morristown with a note for “Food Drive for the IFPN”. Checks should be mailed to the Parish House (65 South Street, Morristown NJ 07960)
- Credit cards: use Breeze drop-down menu for Food Drive for IFPN.
We are so grateful to the church community, including not only the adults but also our nursery school families, church families and youth groups for supporting Outreach’s many requests for help, and we look forward to your generous support again!
Thanksgiving Food Needs List
- Instant mashed potatoes
- Stuffing
- Turkey gravy (no glass jars please)
- Cranberry sauce
- Canned yams or sweet potatoes
- Hearty soups
- Jello and pudding mixes
- Canned vegetables (corn, peas, green beans)
- Apple, cranberry, grape (100% fruit juice) (64 oz.)
- Muffin or roll mix
- Brownie mix or cake mix and icing
- Coffee, tea, hot cocoa mix
Current Food Needs of IFPN*
- Dry milk (1 qt pkg.), Evaporated milk
- Soups (hearty, low sodium & condensed)
- Canned fruit
- Cereal (low sugar, high fiber)
- Hamburger Helper, Rice-a-Roni/Pasta-Roni, Mac & Cheese
- Pasta & tomato sauce/tomato products
- Canned vegetables and beans (all types except green beans)
- Canned meats/meals, ravioli, hash, stew, chili & tuna
- Peanut butter & jelly in plastic jars
- Boost, Boost Glucose Control, Ensure or Glucerna
- Baby food stages 1, 2, and 3 fruits, vegetables, meats, and meals
* Consider low-salt, low sugar and gluten-free items as well as
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Karen at
This Sunday Is 3rd Grade Bible Sunday
We invite you to this special Sunday occasion which will include musical selections from our children’s choir and the Ringers on the Green (ROGs). The Reverend Sarah Green will preach on Mark 10:46-52.
Trunk or Treat Candy Donations GREATLY Needed!
Drop-off candy donations, Monday-Thursday from 9am-4pm, at the Parish House, or Sundays at 10am worship. Please contact Dianne if you have any questions.


Presbyterian Women (PW)
Have you ever asked yourself, “So who are Presbyterian Women (PW). What does this group do?” Circle 12 is pleased to invite you to hear PW member Elder Lisa Gray (Old Greenwich) discuss the origins of PW, its ministry and its future. She is a warm, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic speaker you won’t want to miss. Plan to attend- bring a friend and your questions. Mark your calendars-Monday, October 18th at 1:30 in the Erdman Room. See you there!
Questions, contact Sharon.
PCM is recruiting for a very critical staff position that will be instrumental in the operations of the facilities, oversight of our staff in the support of our programs and ministries. We are seeking a qualified individual who has the required office managerial and operational skills and experience to fill the role of Church Administrator. We are asking for your help if you might know any non-member that may have the qualifications and interest to apply.
Learn More Here

Jim Kutsch was honored by The Seeing Eye on Thursday, September 23 for his years of service to the Morristown-based nonprofit. Jim is not only a long-time volunteer, he is also the first graduate of The Seeing Eye to serve as president and CEO!
Read Full Article
Festival of Books Kidfest

On Saturday, October 9th at the Parish House, A literary event for all, Morristown Festival of Books is an all-day event created by and for people who love books. Since its inception, the fest has established itself among the top book festivals nationwide, drawing thousands of annual attendees. Learn more about MFOB.
KidFest is a full day of activities for kids of all ages and their families. An exciting part of the Morristown Festival of Books, KidFest is where kids meet their favorite authors and illustrators and partake in interactive presentations, book readings, and much more.
Learn More about KidFest.
Join Us! Contact Jeanne Mueller at for more details.
Young Adults Small Group Returns!
Contact Patrick Allred for more info or to join at

This Sunday Is…
This is World Communion Sunday, and this Sunday is also the Festival on the Green. Pastor Sarah and Pastor Leslie will be offering a Blessing of the Animals from 12-3pm at our tent at the Church on the Green. Please bring your furry friends (or stuffed animals!) and come and say hello!
Parking Lot Update
Please note, the Parish House parking lot will be closed this Sunday, October 3, immediately following Sunday School. The lot behind the Church on the Green will also be closed due to the Fall Festival. Please plan accordingly.
Adult Sunday Morning Seminar Returns October 3

In February 2020, our Session voted to become a Matthew 25 Church, which united us with other Presbyterian Church (USA) congregations in a commitment to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism, and eradicate systemic poverty. Join Rev. Sarah Green on October 3 and 10 as we dig into the scripture behind this vision and discover anew how Jesus’ call to serve “the least of these” can inspire us to lead lives of love, justice, and mercy.
RSVP not required. Seminar begins at 8:30 am via Zoom.
Zoom Link. ID: 899 7249 4973. Pss: 900316.
Learn more about Adult Sunday Seminar
Now Available – October Tower Tidings

Basic COVID Safety Protocols
Updated September 21, 2021
The following are recommended safety protocols for those planning or leading PCM events. These events include worship services, weddings, memorial services, group meetings, and external events. All internal events must be scheduled in advance with the office and relevant staff members and submitted using the Speed Form per procedures published on the PCM website. All external events must be approved in advance using the Facilities Request Form. These protocols do not apply to the PCM Nursery School, which maintains its own operating procedures.
- Face Coverings: Our requirement for face coverings (masks) is based on current CDC, state, and Morris School District recommendations. Masks should be available and provided for use if needed. Exceptions are the following:
- Meetings between fully vaccinated individuals, whereas any participant can request that everyone wear a mask.
- Worship leaders when speaking or performing.
- Physical Distancing: Physical distancing should be based on current CDC and state recommendations. In the Sanctuary and Chapel, the first two pews must be left vacant.
- Room Usage/ Capacity Limits: The following meeting spaces can be utilized with the number of attendees not to exceed room capacity limits approved by the Session (see table below): Church on the Green: Sanctuary, Chapel, Mutch Hall, Choir Room; Parish House: Erdman Room, Sheffield Hall, South Street Hall, Youth Room, Conference Room, and Library. The basement should not be used for meetings or group activities. During Nursery School hours, only the Erdman Room and South Street Hall (with Nursery School Director permission) may be used, and there will be no access to the first floor rest rooms. Rooms should be ventilated with outside air wherever possible.
- Contact Tracing Support: Those responsible for an event should be able to produce a list of attendees upon request. The use of the OpenPath system, a reservation application, or a sign in sheet is suggested.
- Communication: Attendees should be informed of PCM protocols and what is expected of them. Signage should be implemented as appropriate.
- Building Access Management: Visitors to the Parish House should enter using the OpenPath access system or sign in at the office. Those attending worship should reserve in advance or sign in with an usher upon arrival.
- Event Access Management: Access and egress from all events should be planned so as to avoid the queueing of attendees.
- Singing: All choral ensembles will sing masked during services and rehearsals. Physical distance and masking for youth and children’s ensembles will follow state and Morris School District guidelines for choral singing. Congregational singing will be masked at all times.
- Hybrid Meetings: Those hosting ‘In person’ meetings should provide a virtual meeting alternative to accommodate those who do not wish or are unable to attend on site.
- Cleaning and Disinfecting: Indoor meeting locations should be cleaned and disinfected per CDC guidelines. Spaces that will not be used again for 24 hours or more need not be disinfected, with the exception of Nursery School classrooms.
- Food: Food should not be served indoors, neither should the Parish House or Mutch Hall kitchens be utilized, except for our children’s and youth programs, which will follow Morris School District guidelines.
- Personal Contact: Attendees should refrain from direct personal contact.
- Hand Sanitizer: Hand sanitizer dispensers will be readily accessible in all PCM buildings and outdoor meeting locations.
- Offering: Offering plates should not be passed at services, but instead should be stationed at the Narthex entrances to the Sanctuary under usher supervision.
- Communion: When Communion is celebrated, the elements should be provided to worshippers in sealed individual packets.
Use of the Howard House
The following safety criteria are recommended to allow use of Howard House by current tenants:
- Cleaning and disinfecting of common areas will be performed daily.
- Tenants will be advised that their leased facilities are available subject to state restrictions.
- Tenants will be advised that masks are required in all common spaces in Howard House. Common spaces include the entrance foyers, downstairs hallway, downstairs bathroom, and the stairwell.
- Tenants will be responsible for implementing their own safety criteria per state and CDC restrictions and guidelines for their leased space, including physical distancing, the wearing of masks while in the building, screening, and contact tracing.
- Tenants will be responsible for advising PCM if a person testing positive for COVID-19 was in the building. All other tenants will be advised accordingly by church administration.
- Childcare will resume in the Howard House following CDC and state protocols. Services in the sanctuary will be available on the first floor via live stream.
Estimated Capacity Limits Based On Physical Distancing

Bereavement Update
Condolences for Betty Thomas may be sent to her daughter, Anne Pariseau at or 36 Dexterdale Road Providence, RI 02906. Betty’s memorial service will be private.
With sadness we share news of the recent death of Betty Thomas, daughter the Rev. Dr. Mutch of whom our Mutch Hall is named after, on Monday, September 13, 2021. We will share more details as they come in.
Hat Giveaway

In honor of Fall Kickoff, this Sunday, September 19th, we will be giving away our brand new PCM hats! Stop by the tables located in the Narthex at the Church on the Green, verify your contact info on file, and receive your free hat!
Parish House Parking Lot Update
Please note, on Saturday, September 18th, our neighbors at St. Peter’s Church have reserved the Parish House parking lot from 9:00am to 2:00pm for their parishioners as they celebrate the Institution of their new Rector, The Reverend Anne C. Thatcher. Please plan to park on the street on Saturday morning.
Outreach and Table of Hope Thanks You!

Above: Michele Oswald, Table of Hope Program Director and Volunteers
The Outreach Committee and Table of Hope thanks our congregants and our Vacation Bible School for your extremely generous donation of over 2,000 food serving items, 250 paper products and 260 cleaning products. We also thank our members for your very kind and heartfelt donations of $1,425. These generous donations will assist with the serving of food to individuals and families in need in Morris County. Together we are making a difference in people’s lives.
With joy we announce the birth of Hudson Dormer on July 27, 2021, son of Chelsea and Kevin Dormer and little brother to Madison and Zoe!
Blessing of the Backpacks

Pastoral Update
Grace and peace to you!
This is the time when students return to school, and families settle in back at home after summer travels. Here at PCM we are starting back with fall scheduling, with appropriate safety precautions. The Nursery School begins tomorrow, so we are masking in the Parish House, and we continue to mask during worship at 10am. Director of Christian Education Alexandra Mead is enrolling children in Sunday school. Youth group and music rehearsals resume this week. We are live streaming our 10am worship services, but if you are comfortable, please come back to worship in person in the sanctuary. It is such a joy to witness people greeting one another in the narthex after so much time apart. It is a joy for me to be able to meet people in person, and not just on a zoom screen. It is so good to be together to praise God!
Blessings, Leslie
New Life
With joy, we announce the recent birth of Robert David Ness, son of Stephanie and Michael Ness and little brother to Rebecca!
Cats In Need of Loving Homes

Following the passing of Thelma Kay, the family is looking for homes for her two cherished 11-year old tabbies (both spayed). While these two are sisters, they are not bonded and would actually do better in separate homes.
Millie is a submissive and shy 11-year old tabby who would thrive in a quiet home where she is doted on and adored so that she can find her confidence. Having spent her life hiding from her sister, she is looking for someone to help her come out of her shell and will do better in a home where she is the only pet.
Darlie is a soulful 11-year old tabby who is friendly, outgoing and confident, and sometimes goes by the nick-name “Whitefoot”. She will likely do fine in any environment.
Those interested may contact Marilyn Kitchell at
Annual Coat Drive
Outreach & Market Street Mission

On November 6, 2021, the Market Street Mission will sponsor its 31st annual Coat Drive held on the Morristown Green from 10am – 1pm. The coat drive provides hundreds of coats to those in need in our community. Please help by donating new and gently used winter coats, hats, gloves, and scarves for men, women and children (please NO wind breakers, rain jackets or sweaters). There is always a need for more men’s coats and men’s and women’s sizes 2x-3x.
Drop off your donations beginning September 12th in the marked bins located on the porch of the Parish House, Monday through Thursday, 9am – 3pm or at Sunday service. Thank you for your participation!
Fall Kickoff – All Committee Night including Deacons!
On Thursday, September 9th at 7pm via Zoom we will host the Fall Kickoff with all committees and Deacons. If you do not receive an email with the Zoom log in by Tuesday, September 7th, please contact your Committee Chair.
Share Your Summer Photos With Us!
After the last year and a half, we’ve all had to re-adjust… Now, in the fall of 2021, we want to see how you spent your summer days in a semi post-pandemic world. Submit your summer photos to us now through September 12. Be sure to include one to two lines about where you are, who you’re with, and –if applicable — what activity you are doing. Please limit to 2 photos per submission. Your images will appear in the October issue of Tower Tidings, in churchmail, on the PCM website, and maybe even on our Instagram and Facebook pages!
Send photos to Cali at by Sunday, September 12.
Thank you all for your participation. We received some great summer photos. Check out these below and be on the lookout for more!
PCNS Dir. Jeanne Mueller at Crater Lake (before the fires) with daughter Clare and son Kevin (both nursery school alum).

View of White Mountains from Kezar Lake – where Jenny and Steve Tooley spend Summers in Maine. Jenny and Steve in Glacier National Park.




The Stebbins family trip to Tuscany in July. Scott and Luke Stebbins father-son trip to Switzerland in August. They later joined Monika and Matthew in Germany!

Lisa and Jack Fraebel at Plitvice National Park and Dubrovnik (Croatia).

A New Issue of Tower Tidings is here!
Tap image to view now.

Fall Kickoff Reminder
All Committee Night (including Deacons!) will be held Thursday, September 9th via Zoom. If you do not receive an email with the Zoom log in by Tuesday, September 7th, please contact your Committee Chair.
Vacation Bible School 2021 Video, Courtesy of Bruce Frazier
Outreach Table of Hope Donation Drive -Commercial-Sized

Table of Hope serves meals five nights a week to anyone in need of a “warm meal and a smile”. It has emerged to impact families throughout Morris County with over 100,000 meals served since 2013. Since the pandemic Table of Hope has delivered 220 tons of food to more than 9,000 families and expanded their operations to include a Mobile Food Pantry.
Help Table of Hope restock serving supplies they are greatly in need of. Drop off donations at the Parish House or at Sunday service. You can also donate through our Amazon Wish List, online through Breeze, or by mailing a check to the Parish House. Please be sure to note “Table of Hope” in the memo line. Thank you for your continued support of Outreach and Table of Hope.
List of items needed:
- Heavy Duty Scrub Sponges or scouring pads
- Foam Food Takeout Containers (3 compartments with lids)
- Compostable Foil Roasting/Steam Pans (full or half sizes)
- Food Storage Bags (snack, sandwich or quart size)
- 8 oz. Coffee Paper Cups
- 8 oz. Plastic Cups with Lids
- 54 x 108 inch rectangle red plastic tablecloth
- Paper towels
- 65 Gallon trash bags
- Compostable, Reusable Grocery Shopping Bags
- 1000 Sq Feet Aluminum Foil
- Box of Individually Wrapped Plastic Forks
- Toilet Paper
- 15 inch Plastic stretch wrap
Bereavement Notice
With sorrow, we share news of the passing of Ching-Mei Wang, wife of Benson Wang, on Friday, August 13, 2021. Please hold Benson and their daughter Cindy and son-in-law Jeff in your prayers. We will hold a memorial service for Ching-Mei on Friday, August 20, 2021 at 1:30pm in the sanctuary, following the same COVID protocols as Sunday worship. You may send condolences to Benson Wang at 6 Deborah Drive, Morristown, NJ 07960 or
Farewell Dan
After four short years, our Director of Operations, Dan Keoppel is leaving us. Dan has accepted a role as Chief Operating Officer of the International Project, a mission organization based in NYC seeking to initiate church-planting within the diaspora: immigrant communities in the US and across the world. During his stay, Dan has fundamentally re-shaped PCM’s systems, processes, and technology to help staff and members better serve PCM’s mission and our surrounding community. We pray Dan much success in his new role. He will continue to worship with his family and serve as an elder at the First Presbyterian Church in Boonton. Dan’s last day in the office will be Friday, August 27th.
Bereavement Notice
With sadness we share news of the passing of Thelma Kay on August 8, 2021. Thelma was a member here for 73 years! Please keep her family in your prayers. Condolences can be sent to her daughter, Barbara Eames at 6 Cove Lane Road, Whippany, NJ, 07981 or
Parish House Parking Update
Vacation Bible School kicks off on Monday, August 16 and will run through Friday, August 20. Parking at the Parish House will be limited. Should you need to visit the Parish House, please do not park in the middle aisle, please park in the parking spaces to the far left, near the library. Thank you.
Blood Drive

Join us on Thursday, August 26th from 11AM-4PM as we host another American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Parish House-South Street Hall. To register, go to and input our zip code (07960) or “pcmorristown” to locate us. You can also call 1-800-Red-Cross (1-800-733-2767) to schedule your appointment. Please note, this is a free event but registration is required.
Free Virtual Cooking Class
Sunday, September 5th at 4PM. Register Now.

This is the 9th episode of our cooking party series sponsored by the Diversity Coalition of Morris County. This month’s recipe will be Kenyan Chicken Pilau! Class will be held on Zoom and lead by Esther Mwekali, who is visiting from Nairobi. The recipe is in our online cookbook if you would like to check out the ingredients. After you RSVP, you will receive a Zoom Link. Cooking is optional, please join us!
We encourage everyone to obtain the necessary ingredients beforehand and have them prepared in your kitchen before the class begins. See you there! Learn More! Visit the DCMC at and on Facebook at
RISE High School Mission Trip
Our High Schoolers are the best! Check out their recent Mission Trip with RISE.
Photo Cr: Patrick Allred.

Submissions Reminder
Submit your articles and entries for the upcoming issue of Tower Tidings. Send submissions to the Lisa Fraebel at by Tuesday, August 10.
Pastoral Update
Interim Pastor Leslie will be on study leave and vacation from July 29-August 20th. She will not be reading her PCM email during her time away. Pastor Sarah will be preaching on August 1 and August 15th, and the Rev. Steve Huston will be preaching August 8th. Steve serves as the co-leader of the new Northeast NJ Presbytery, and also as Resource and Transition coordinator for Highlands Presbytery. Leslie will be back to preach on August 22nd.
Memorial Garden Interment
Sunday, August 1 at 11 AM, immediately following morning worship, we will inter Nancy Hetzel’s ashes in the Memorial Garden. All who wish are welcome to attend. The family will hold a full memorial service for Nancy sometime in the fall.
Purple Apron Meal Kits Update

Darnell Tillett, security guard at nourish.NJ received the donation of Purple Apron meal kits. Circle 5 provided 80 amazing dinners for families in need. Every meal kit was handed out the day it came in! Our guests are so appreciative of the healthy and delicious dinners, and that Presbyterian Women are continuing to support this effort. Learn More about Purple Apron.
Table of Hope Drive

Table of Hope Donation Drive – Think Commercial Sized
Runs from Sunday, August 8 to Sunday, August 29
Table of Hope was founded by the members of Bethel Church in Morristown and has been supported by our church since 2013. Table of Hope serves meals five nights a week to anyone in need of a warm meal and a smile. Every week they serve over 300 hot meals and distribute groceries to up to 2,000 families at their food pantries. The need for food has become so great since the pandemic that distribution increased tenfold in Morristown alone! Table of Hope expanded their operations with a Mobile Food Pantry serving our neighbors throughout Morris County and receives donations from the Community Food Bank of NJ to support these efforts.
Please donate “Commercial Sized” supplies and food items to help Table of Hope feed families and individuals in need in Morris County. Bulk amounts as opposed to household sizes can be found at stores such as Costco. Donations can be dropped at the Parish House Monday-Thursday, 9 AM – 3 PM, or at Sunday service. You can also donate through our Amazon Wish List below or online through Breeze. If mailing a check, please note “Table of Hope” in the memo line.
List of items needed:
- Heavy Duty Scrub Sponges or scouring pads
- Foam Food Takeout Containers (3 compartments with lids)
- Compostable Foil Roasting/Steam Pans (full or half sizes)
- Food Storage Bags (snack, sandwich or quart size)
- 8 oz. Coffee Paper Cups
- 8 oz. Plastic Cups with Lids
- 54 x 108 inch rectangle red plastic tablecloth
- Paper towels
- 65 Gallon trash bags
- Compostable, Reusable Grocery Shopping Bags
- 1000 Sq Feet Aluminum Foil
- Box of Individually Wrapped Plastic Forks
- Toilet Paper
- 15 inch Plastic stretch wrap
Questions? Contact Karen Griffith.
“Thinking of You” Cards

Bring joy to our Friends at Spring Hills Assisted Living-Morristown
During the month of August, you are invited to send “Thinking of You” cards to the residents of Spring Hills, Morristown. PCM provides lay services for the residents of Spring Hills and recently received approval to resume in-person services starting in October. Deacons and volunteers from the congregation provide a brief message, piano accompaniment for music, serve as greeters, and assist residents as needed. If you would like to send a card or learn more about getting involved, please contact Helen Quinn directly.
Cards deadline: Monday, August 16.
Saturday, August 12

Blood Drive

Register for Blood Drive Here
Bereavement Notice
With sadness we share news that Sandy Danforth passed away on June 3, 2021. Condolences may be sent to Sandy’s sister, Ann Burke, 28 Sleepy Hollow Drive, Brick, NJ 08724, or by visiting Norman Dean Funeral Services. A memorial service will be held in September.
Free Cooking Class!
Sunday, July 18 at 4 PM

The DCMC food committee has a variety of multicultural recipes that will be shared throughout the year via FREE virtual cooking classes, starting with a pre-Thanksgiving Vegan Pumpkin pie back in 2020 and this month’s recipe, Yellow Chickpea Lentils with Zucchini–Tarka Daal (Vegan) and Gobi Manchurian Cauliflower (Vegan).
The event will be about 45 minutes and there will be a moderator so that everyone can ask questions and follow along at home. The class encourages participation for adults, families and children.
Cooking is optional.
All recipes and ingredients will be sent out in advance only to those who have registered.
Register For Class Here
Bereavement Notice
With sadness we share news that Bob Sumner passed away on July 9, 2021. Please keep his wife Mary Ellen and their family in your prayers. Condolences may be sent to Mary Ellen Sumner, 13-19 Franklin Place, #6B, Morristown, NJ 07960.
Diversity Day 2021 – Watch Now via Facebook

Jan’s Closet Saturday, July 10

Diversity Day, Sunday, July 11

Free Cooking Class!
Sunday, July 18 at 4 PM
The DCMC food committee has a variety of multicultural recipes that will be shared throughout the year via FREE virtual cooking classes, starting with a pre-Thanksgiving Vegan Pumpkin pie back in 2020 and this month’s recipe, Yellow Chickpea Lentils with Zucchini–Tarka Daal (Vegan) and Gobi Manchurian Cauliflower (Vegan).
The event will be about 45 minutes and there will be a moderator so that everyone can ask questions and follow along at home. The class encourages participation for adults, families and children.
Cooking is optional.
All recipes and ingredients will be sent out in advance only to those who have registered.
Register For Class Here
Sanctuary Flowers
Enjoying the beautiful flowers on Sunday? We need your help to keep our Sanctuary decorated! Please contact Lynne Harmen for information about flower donations.
Memorial Service Save-the-Dates
Joyce Zelmer: Wednesday, July 21 at 3:30 PM
George and Peg Ebel: Saturday, July 24 at 10 AM
Both services will be in the sanctuary. Pre-registration isn’t necessary, but we will follow the same protocols as for Sunday worship. Please join us as we celebrate the lives of these saints of our congregation who have died this year.
Bereavement Notice
With sadness we share news that Shirley Scott passed away on Friday, July 2, 2021. Please keep her husband Ed and their family in your prayers. Shirley and Ed have been members of PCM since 1962.
Matthew 25

As a Matthew 25 church and a member of Morris Area Together, PCM has renewed our long-standing commitment to eradicating poverty and improving quality of life for all in our community. The Morris Area Together Housing Team identified the establishment of a Morris County Homeless Trust Fund as an important step in addressing housing insecurity in our area. Learn more about this fund and sign the petition to encourage our County Commissioners to take this valuable action.
Office Closure
In recognition of Independence Day, PCM Offices will be closed on Monday, July 5.
Bereavement Notice
With sadness, we share that Nancy Hetzel passed away on June 30, 2021 at the age of 93. Please keep her daughters Sandy and Margot and their families in your prayers. We will share news of arrangements once they are made.
New Tower Tidings Newsletter
An all new issue of Tower Tidings is here. Click image below to view now

Pastoral Update – Storytelling Meetings
The Discernment Team is hosting a series of “Storytelling Meetings” as the next step in the presbytery’s required Discernment Process. These will be 90 minute small group gatherings in Sheffield Hall. Please sign up for one of these Storytelling Meetings and come and share your experience of life at PCM! Storytelling Meeting dates are Monday July 19th at 7pm, Wednesday July 21 at 10am, Monday July 26th at 7pm, Wednesday July 28th at 10am. If your schedule did not permit attendance at one of the Timeline Events, please sign up for a Storytelling Meeting. The Discernment Team is hoping to include as many voices as possible in the Discernment Process.
Rev. Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp
Pastoral Update – Identifying Session and Deacon Members
The Nominating Committee has begun its work identifying potential leaders to serve on the Session, the Board of Deacons, and eventually, the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). While the Pastor Nominating Committee will not be elected by the congregation for several months yet, the Nominating Committee wants to consider potential names for that important committee as they are identifying names for the Session and the Deacons. If you have ideas or suggestions for Ruling Elder, Deacon, or PNC member, please send an email to Elder Wayne Rush, chair of the Nominating Committee.
Rev. Leslie Dobbs-Allsopp
Bereavement Notice
The church mourns the passing of longtime member Charles Graydon “Gray” Rogers. Gray was an Elder and member of the Finance Committee, and he was on the Pastor Nominating Committee that called the Reverend Thomas Sheffield. Gray was predeceased by his wife, Mollie, in 2016. Services will be private.
Volunteer, Make A Difference!
For the past 15 months, due to COVID, many of our volunteer opportunities were put on hold. Despite the challenges, our church members continued to support our community and we are truly grateful for that. As we move out of the pandemic, we’re excited to announce some volunteer experiences once again! If you and/or any of your family members are interested, we’d love to have you! Please read below for project offerings. We have both remote and in-person opportunities. NOTE: Our organizations are making sure to take safety precautions for all volunteer opportunities.
- Purple Apron Meal Kits & nourish.NJ (Remote)
- Use one of nNJ recipes, shop and package ingredients needed for a dinner to feed a local family in need. Add a personal note and drop off the kit at nNJ at 36 Sussex Ave., Morristown on a scheduled date. Sign Up Here.
- Purposeful Acts of Kindness Kits & nourish.NJ (Remote)
- Make a Pak Kit by packing requested necessities in new, reusable shopping bags to help those in need. Add a personal note and drop off kit at nNJ. Sign Up Here. Questions? Email church member Julie Hess to learn more at
- Market Street Mission – MSM (In-Person)
- Serve Meals – Lunch: Monday – Sunday at 11:45AM. Dinner: Monday – Saturday at 4:45PM and Sundays at 3:45PM.
- Thrift Store Volunteer – Help sort, organize, sweep and dust at the MSM Thrift Store. To volunteer you must first attend a volunteer orientation at MSM located at 9 Market St., Morristown. Questions? Email church member Karen Griffith to learn more at Ready to Get Involved? Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Debbie McKenna, at
- Table of Hope (In-Person)
- Serve Dinner – Box, bag and distribute meals to those in need weekdays 5-7PM.
- Food Pantry – Set up and load food for the Thursday Pantry from 9AM-12PM. Questions? Email church member Vern Verhoef to learn more at Ready to Help? Sign Up to volunteer at