
Annual Congregational Meeting

Dear PCM Family,

It happens every year – but this Sunday’s Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be a bit different than in years past, in two key ways…

First, with the restructuring of our Session committees, we now have a dedicated committee called Stewardship and Nominating. The Stewardship cycle will continue to operate each fall in anticipation of the new budget year. Nominating will now take place during the winter / early spring seasons with the goal of electing new elders and deacons in the late spring and ordaining them as officers in June. So, that’s an item of business that will not happen this coming Sunday. The other difference you might notice this Sunday is that I will be preaching on sort of a, “State of the Church” theme… something I hope to do each year on the Sunday of our Annual Meeting. It’s a way to recognize and honor what we’ve accomplished together – and to look forward to the year ahead, including the work God is calling us to in the future. You’ll hear updates about four areas of our life together: staff, stewardship (including this year’s results and some notes about PCM’s budget), spiritual vitality, and social impact.

The truth is, people have busy schedules – and we tend to lose a lot of folks between worship and the meeting. I get it. Devoting the sermon time to offer these important updates will allow all of us to feel more informed about what’s happened since last year – and hopefully more inspired for the year ahead.

God has blessed PCM beyond measure… and I’m so excited to celebrate with you this Sunday!

In Christ’s love,

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This morning, it came to our attention that a hard copy of PCM’s directory fell into the hands of someone who should not have access to it. That individual has been using this hard copy of the directory to send text messages and emails, impersonating Pastor Daniel, to PCM members. When people have responded, the sender then asks for gift cards to places like Apple and eBay, saying that they are for women and children in the hospital. IT IS A SCAM. PLEASE BE VIGILANT if you receive any message from a phone number or email address that’s not in your personal contact list.