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Chapel Pilot: Moving Sunday Morning Programming to COG

Dear PCM Family,

Just after Easter, we will begin our pilot period of moving our Sunday morning programs to Church on the Green.

Here’s what our schedule will look like beginning on April 16:

8:00 am – Chapel Worship

  • Our 8:00 am Chapel Service resumes, with communion offered each week, in a simple, worshipful setting that is meditative and contemplative. 

9:00 am – Education Hour at Church on the Green

  • Doughnuts and Theology, our adult education class, will meet in the COG Music Room.
  • Sunday School for children ages 2 through 5th grade will meet in the Chapel. Parents: Drop off will take place at the rear Mutch Hall entrance/ramp.
  • A reminder on parking: The spots at the rear of the Church on the Green are for accessible/special needs parking only. If you are able, please park at the Parish House (free), around the Green (free), in the Morristown Post Office lot (free; off of Morris Street), or in the Headquarters Parking Garage (paid; to the left of the Sanctuary).

10:00 am – Worship in the Sanctuary or Online

Our pilot period will run from April 16 through the end of the program year in early June. After that, the Session will be seeking feedback from the congregation and discussing how it all went at its June meeting. Regardless of the outcome, the Chapel is looking wonderful – with beautifully refinished hardwood floors, new radiator covers, updated electrical work, and paint touch-ups throughout the space. It is warm, inviting, open, and flexible – a perfect spot for small worship services, meetings, and community gatherings. There are so many people to thank for their time and effort, but David Krimmel and the men of AAA deserve our gratitude for their incredible work. 

The point of a pilot is, of course, to try something new and see how it goes. Whatever happens over these next few months, it’s clear that the Holy Spirit is moving among us… bringing energy and enthusiasm for PCM’s future that is full of hope and joy.  

Yours, in Christ,


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