Faith of the Woman Who Touched Jesus
PCM Care Team | Please Read Today’s Passage: Mark 5:25-34
The Care Team (our Deacons and Stephen Ministers) were asked to complete the following sentence as they reflected on the treasures of our faith. Here are a few of their responses. Consider your own response after you have read theirs and write it on a Post It note. Put it somewhere visible for the season of Lent.
I have experienced or witnessed the healing touch of Jesus through:
- His healing grace in difficult times in my life
- The love and acceptance of my children and grandchildren
- In the birth of my children I felt God immediately, especially looking at each feature of my child
- Being with my grandmother in her final moments
- In recovering from cancer and treatment
- In being present with my father when he passed
- Through sobriety coming to our home
- Deep meditation during stress
- The support I received when I went through divorce
- My precious PCM friend who is full of God’s wisdom and grace
- In the loving care and support of our PCM community
- In a kind note from someone saying they cared
- Others directly, the written/digital page or audio (books on tape, podcast, etc.)
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