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Daily Devotional: March 5

Jacob’s Ladder: God is present in unexpected places

Rev. Daniel Vigilante | Reading: Genesis 28:10-17

Some people have a gift for remembering their dreams. I consider them lucky because I’ve never been one of them. In this story from Genesis, we read about Jacob, who encountered God in a dream in which he saw a stairway extending from earth to heaven. He heard the voice of God telling him that the land on which he was sleeping was holy – and that God was with him in that place.

I’ve never been lucky enough to remember most of my dreams, but I have been blessed to experience God’s presence at many different times and in countless varied ways. In fact, as I reflect upon it now – rarely have I experienced a sense of God’s presence in dreams – it’s almost always been through people. When I have moved to new places, church members have welcomed me and made me feel at home. When I have struggled to make sense of this world that often feels so cruel, I have seen God at work in the kindness of others. When my father passed away, a simple text from a friend reminded me that even in my grief, I was not alone.

God’s presence is made known in dreams, but more often through the love of people. Which makes me wonder – how are you being called to make God known through this season of Lent?

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This morning, it came to our attention that a hard copy of PCM’s directory fell into the hands of someone who should not have access to it. That individual has been using this hard copy of the directory to send text messages and emails, impersonating Pastor Daniel, to PCM members. When people have responded, the sender then asks for gift cards to places like Apple and eBay, saying that they are for women and children in the hospital. IT IS A SCAM. PLEASE BE VIGILANT if you receive any message from a phone number or email address that’s not in your personal contact list.