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Did You Know You Can Chat During Online Worship?

Yes, you read that right!

A livestream of our 10:00 am worship service is available every week on the PCM website by selecting the “Worship> Worship Online” menu item or via the Sunday email. It can also be viewed on YouTube or Facebook.

If you worship via the website, we sponsor a “chat” each week where you can greet and catch up with other online worshippers! The chat is accessible on your phone, tablet, or computer. On your computer or tablet, the chat displays next to the livestream (please note that you won’t see it if you’ve maximized the livestream to fill your whole screen).

On your phone, the chat displays below the livestream between the Welcome text and the bulletin. Click on the blue text that says, “show chat”, type your name and say “hi”. Chat is not sponsored on YouTube or Facebook.

We can’t wait to “chat” with you on Sunday!

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