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Graveyard (1)

Explore the New Graveyard Search Tool on PCM’s Website

Using new pages on PCM’s website, you may now learn about our forebears from the 1700’s to the present who are buried in PCM’s graveyard, located behind the Church on the Green.  Browse or search alphabetical listings of people buried in PCM’s historic graveyard or contemporary Memorial Garden, including more than 137 who served in the American Revolution.  Or use a new Gravesite Locator mapping tool to identify and locate their graves.  Click here to get started!

The listings build on records of gravestone inscriptions from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by Alfred Vail (1851), Mary Johnson Parker (1931), and more recently on research of church records and mapping of gravesites by church member Scott Shepherd (1990’s – 2008). The current website listings, updated maps, and search tools are the work of Rich Albright.  Recent cleaning of markers throughout the graveyard by John and Susan Moschberger and systematic photographing of gravestones by Carol Allison have allowed us to read some previously illegible markers and update information for some listings.

Although far more people may have been buried here, records were not consistently kept, stones have deteriorated or vanished, and many burials may not have been marked at all.  The result is that the current listings document almost 1600 persons and over 1100 grave markers or family monuments in the historic graveyard. Around 140 individuals are interred in the Memorial Garden at present.

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