Fall Kickoff (2)

Fall Kickoff Sunday!

A Message from Daniel

Dear PCM Family,

I’ll keep today’s message simple – because we all know that this time of year can feel chaotic, even amidst the energy and excitement of fall kickoff. So let me first share some information with you… then tell you why I think fall kickoff is important.

There are so many reasons to come to worship this Sunday, but here are just a few:

  1. Our annual kickoff picnic… at the Church on the Green following the 10:00 am service, offering a chance to catch up with friends – familiar and new – over a simple fried and baked chicken lunch with chips and a salad. Many thanks to Susan Hubbard and her team of volunteers for helping to host the picnic this year. Donations to cover the cost of the food are gladly accepted.
  2. Meet Jacob Montgomery, our new Director of Music Ministries. Jacob is quickly settling into his new role – and into Morristown – having just had his first rehearsal with the Chancel Choir last night. I got to hear a bit of their singing and they sound incredible! In addition to being an accomplished musician, Jacob is warm, personable, and deeply faithful. I know you’ll enjoy getting to know him!
  3. Check out our new Kids’ Care space (formerly the music room) just off of Mutch Hall. The new nursery for our young ones looks amazing – with a rainbow mural by Woodie Webber and bright, new furnishings coordinated by Alexandra Mead. It will provide a fresh and fun atmosphere for children during the 10:00 am worship service.
  4. A giveaway! We want to remember that, as Christians, Jesus’ commandment to love our neighbors doesn’t take a pause during the election season… if anything this time of year makes the commandment to love others even more important. So we’re giving away special yard signs designed by Amanda Tufts to help spread the message of love in our area. Be sure to pick one up after worship on Sunday.

Now… why do we do all this? Why do we go to all this effort at fall kickoff?

Because every indicator of personal health and happiness says that we need community in order to thrive – to learn and grow and find fulfillment and flourishing in this life. I’ve said it before – it’s no coincidence that as church membership and affiliation has declined, anxiety, loneliness, and feelings of isolation have been on the rise. Being part of a church community like PCM can, quite literally, make you feel happier and healthier.

More importantly, though… we believe that if we want to know what God intends for us, we look to Jesus and seek to follow him with our lives. The programs that we offer here at PCM – Sunday school for children and adults; music ministries; outreach opportunities; fellowship events – all of it happens so that we can become a little more like the people Jesus wants us to be. We need one another to do that. I might even say – we need YOU to do that. So why not make an effort to come this Sunday and join us for a VERY fun party! And maybe even invite a friend! The Gospel is good news, after all, and good news deserves to be shared.

In Christ’s love,

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