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Weekly Blog

Finding the Gospel in Unexpected Places

A Message from Daniel

Dear PCM Family,

It’s hard to believe, but we’re nearly halfway through the summertime – and our series, The Gospel According to ________. One surprising and joyful part of crafting these sermons each week is the opportunity to explore the places in pop culture where you, as members of the congregation, find the gospel message. It’s a wonderful reminder that sometimes we need to look beyond the walls of the church – sometimes even beyond the pages of the Bible – to see the message of Jesus in new and unexpected ways.

Take, for example, this Sunday, when we’ll explore The Gospel According to Gary Larson and Judy Garland. If you’re interested in paying homage to the late, great Judy Garland, we invite you to join our summer pickup choir, which will rehearse Over the Rainbow in South Street Hall at 9:00 am and sing it during worship at 10:00 am.

Gary Larson, you might remember, is the creator of the popular comic strip The Far Side, which ran in newspapers for sixteen years through January 1, 1995. After a 25 year hiatus, Larson began drawing new strips and publishing them at

The person who nominated Gary Larson wrote, “He had a way of retelling scenes from the Bible that would provoke a smile if you could get the message in the humor.” Larson himself has said, “People try to look for deep meanings in my work. I want to say, ‘They’re just cartoons, folks. You laugh or you don’t.’” I think sometimes we have a tendency to miss the humor in the Bible… and in life. So I’m excited for this coming Sunday, when we’ll look for (and hopefully find) a bit of humor in our worship… goodness knows we could all use some more of that.

Lots of great things are ahead… See you in church!

In Christ’s love,

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