Art Show

First Ever PCM Art Show Opening Easter Sunday!

We are so excited to have our first ever art show here at PCM!  Thanks to our PCM artists, we have a show of over twenty works inspired by the theme “all things new.” These works of art showcase not only how we are constantly changing and finding the new joys in our lives, but also show the many ways God works through our lives, nature, and specifically in the hearts of our talented artists. Thank you also to our PCM Art Team who put together such a beautiful show.

The show will open on Easter Sunday, April 9 and close Sunday, April 23. In addition to Sunday’s 10:00 am services, we will have open gallery hours on Tuesday, April 11 and Tuesday, April 18, from 3:00 – 7:00 pm.

We hope you will visit the show located in the Narthex at the Church on the Green: 57 East Park Place, Morristown, NJ.

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