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May IFPN Food Drive (3)

May Food Drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry

April 30 – May 21

For over 25 years, the Interfaith Food Pantry Network has improved the health and well-being of Morris County residents in need by providing access to food.   With over 30,000 food-insecure people in Morris County there’s no better time to fight hunger than right now.

Join our community of neighbors helping neighbors and donate non-perishable food items to the May Food Drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry Network now through May 21st.

Ways to Give

Food donations can be dropped off:

  • In the Food Drive collection bin inside the Parish House door.
  • During Sunday services at the Church on the Green.  Collection bins are located in the Narthex and near the Mutch Hall back entrance.

New for this year:  Bags are available that you can take, fill, and return.  The bags are located near the bins at both the Church and Parish House.

See the list of needed items below.

Financial donations

  • Checks should be made out to the Presbyterian Church in Morristown with a note for “Food Drive for IFPN” and mailed to the Parish House: 65 South Street, Morristown NJ 07960.
  • Donate online through Breeze. Select the “Food Drive for IFPN” drop-down.
  • Text to 973-620-2368 and enter your donation amount and “food”  (e.g., $100 food).  For more information on text giving, click here.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Items Needed by the Interfaith Food Pantry Network  

FRUITS & VEGETABLES – Look for fruit canned
in its own juice or with “no sugar added.” Look for vegetables with low sodium or “no salt added.”
– Canned fruit 100% juice
– 32 oz. canned vegetables
– Spaghetti/tomato sauce
– Tomato products (crushed, whole, diced, paste, puree)
GRAINS – Donate whole grains as often as you can.– Cereal – low sugar, high fiber
– Oatmeal
– Pasta/whole wheat pasta
– Rice/brown rice – 1 or 2 lb. sizes
DAIRY – Donate shelf-stable low-fat (1%) or non-fat dairy products.– Parmalat (shelf stable 32 oz. size)
– Dry milk (1-qt. package)
– Evaporated milk
– Calcium-fortified milk alternatives, (soy, rice, almond milks)
PROTEIN – Look for “no salt added”, “low -sodium” and “canned in water.”– Canned beans (pork and beans, pinto, red, white; not green beans)
– Dried beans
– Tuna fish, salmon and other canned fish
– Peanut butter
– 18 oz. canned meats and meals (ravioli, spaghetti & meatballs, hash, stew, canned chicken, etc.)
SIDE DISHES– Mac ‘n cheese
– Instant potatoes
– Stuffing
– Rice-A-Roni
– Hamburger Helper
SOUPS– Hearty
– Low-sodium
– Regular
BABY ITEMS– Enfamil Infant Formula (NOT newborn)
– Baby food – Stage 1 fruits and Stage 3 vegetables and meats

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