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Craig Barth General Assembly Adult Ed

General Assembly 226: A Time Like No Other

On Sunday, November 17, Elder Craig Barth, presented on the 226th PC(USA) General Assembly. Craig was honored to be elected by the Presbytery of the Highlands to serve as a Commissioner to the PC(USA)’s 226th General Assembly, this past June and July. Craig provided an illuminating view from inside the General Assembly. In the course of his presentation, he addressed a number of questions: What is General Assembly? What happened at this year’s gathering? How was the experience? What kinds of changes in our Denomination can we expect as a result?

Craig Barth is a lifelong Presbyterian and a longtime member of PCM, whose decades of church service have been marked by extensive involvement in church leadership. Craig has served on numerous committees at the local, presbytery, and synod levels, most recently as a Commissioner for the 226th General Assembly. With prior experience as a Commissioner in 2012 and a Young Adult Advisory Delegate in 1972, Craig brings a deep, experienced perspective.

Retired from a 35-year career as a Private Practice Audiologist, he remains deeply committed to church life, participating actively in adult education, worship, and ministry. His insight promises a thought-provoking exploration of the church’s role in today’s changing world and how this assembly shapes its future.

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