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New Year Blog

Happy New Year PCM Family!

A Message from Daniel

Happy New Year! I hope this message finds you rested and refreshed after the busy rush of the holiday season. Here are some updates about the exciting things coming up at PCM!

Worship + 2
Our new worship series begins this Sunday! At the start of the year, it’s always nice to reflect on our current commitments – and to make new ones. Might I suggest that as we begin 2025, you consider Worship + 2… an attempt to make attendance in worship a priority for the year ahead – and to choose two other ways to nurture your spiritual life – through personal prayer and devotion and through service in the PCM community and beyond. I hope you can join us this week at 8:00 am (in the Chapel) or 10:00 am (in the Sanctuary and online).

Youth Director Search
The search for a new Youth Director is officially on! We are so grateful to Abby Semple and Kevin Johnson, our wonderful Youth Ministry Coordinators, who have been filling as leaders of our youth group during this program year. Now, we’re planning for the future as we seek a new Youth Director. We’d love to hear your feedback and recommendations to help us find just the right person to serve in this role. I hope you’ll join us for one of the listening sessions listed below:

Sunday, January 12
8:45 am – 9:45 am (Childcare Room): For families of 3-5 graders.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm (Parish House): For Youth Group students and their families (Grades 7-12).

Wednesday, January 15
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm (Parish House): For any of the families who couldn’t make the Sunday sessions and for the congregation at-large.

Members of the Youth Director Search Team are: Jason Lawlor, Alexandra Mead, Roxann Polo Reaser, Lauren Shohen, and Pam Trovato.

Christmas Eve Offering
I am absolutely thrilled to announce that contributions from our Christmas Eve offering for Jan’s Closet have just passed $12,000! What incredible generosity from you and from those who have donated to this vital ministry of our church. Thank you for your gifts! If you’d like to sign-up as a Jan’s Closet volunteer, please click here.

Happy new year!

In Christ’s love,


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