A Message from Audrey
I have a story.
When I was a young freshman in high school, my church decided it would be fun to have all the high schoolers choose a Sunday to usher. We were trained to greet, usher, and collect the offering. It was so fun to do and I felt honored to be asked to do a “grown up” role. After that Sunday, it seemed that would be it – one really lovely Sunday.
Until I talked with Jacky.
Jacky was our Head Usher (and still has that role today!) and he had a knack for being the most invitational person I have ever met. You could never say no to Jacky.
That next week he came up to me and said, “We’re going to put you on a team.”
“A team? What exactly do you mean?” I asked.
“You need to be on an usher team. You will be an exceptional usher.”
“But I’m only 15, is that okay?”
“Yes, of course! Here’s your flower to wear when you usher. I’ll put you on team one.”
“Well, I guess I’m an usher then!”
And just like that, I was hooked. That one invitation turned into serving on multiple committees, volunteering for every possible outreach opportunity I could, becoming an Elder, all before graduating from college and then seminary. That simple, direct, but sincere invitation changed my life.
Will you be a “Jacky” too?
Personal invitations are what make us the Church. They are what engage our community and they are the best way to get someone here. We have three great things which I invite you to invite someone to:
All-Church Dinner – February 12
Chili Cook-Off – February 28
Volunteer at Jan’s Closet – February 25 & March 8
Let’s be the church, together.