Interfaith Food Pantry Fall Food Drive
Our neighbors in Morris County need your help!
FALL FOOD DRIVE: October 30 to November 20
Thousands of families rely on the Interfaith Food Pantry Network for food and to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with a meal. Our congregation has always believed that November is a month of thanksgiving and sharing with others. So…as you give thanks, give food. Lists of needed food can be found below, and financial donations are also welcome.
Your donation makes a difference in the lives of an increasing number of Morris County families. The number of new families applying for assistance with the Interfaith Food Pantry Network has grown 75% over last year nearing levels not seen since the height of the pandemic. Many people cite the rapidly increasing costs of living as their main reason for seeking help.
Food donations can be dropped off:
Financial Donations:
- Checks should be made out to the Presbyterian Church in Morristown with a note for “Food Drive for the IFPN”. Checks should be mailed to the Parish House (65 South Street, Morristown NJ 07960).
- Credit cards: Use Breeze drop-down menu for Food Drive for IFPN.
Food Drive Needed Items
Everyday Pantry Needs
- Pasta
- 100% Fruit Juice Boxes
- Tomato products (sauce, crushed, whole, diced, paste, puree, etc.)
- Side Dishes – Rice-A-Roni, Hamburger Helper, Instant Potatoes, etc. (except Stuffing and Mac & Cheese)
- 100% Fruit juice (32 oz. preferred)
- Cereal – lower sugar preferred
- Oatmeal
- Fruit Cups
- Soup – Hearty and Condensed
- Evaporated milk
- Dry milk (1-qt. packages)
- Calcium-fortified milk alternatives such as soy, rice or almond milk
- Healthy Snacks (i.e. Belvita Breakfast Biscuits, Granola Bars, Wheat Thins, Ritz Crackers)
- Peanut butter – 15-18 oz preferred
- Baby Food – Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3
- Baby Diapers – Size 6
- Baby Wipes
Thanksgiving Food Needs
- Instant mashed potatoes
- Stuffing
- Turkey gravy (no glass jars please)
- Cranberry sauce
- Canned yams or sweet potatoes
- Hearty soups
- Jello and pudding mixes
- Canned vegetables (corn, peas, green beans)
- Apple, cranberry, grape (100% fruit juice) (64 oz.)
- Muffin or roll mix
- Brownie mix or cake mix and icing
- Coffee, tea, hot cocoa mix
- Fresh potatoes, yams, onions, apples and oranges (please put fresh items in a separate bag)