
Daily Devotional: February 14

God’s conversation with Abram calling him to leave his country.

Rev. Daniel Vigilante | Reading: Genesis 12:1-3

In this conversation between God and Abram, a covenant was established. God would “make a great nation” and bless all families of the earth through Abram and his wife Sarai. While I have never had that kind of conversation with God, I am a descendant of this covenant and have often felt blessed in order that I might be a blessing.

In fact, you might think that the word “bless” would be the one that stands out most, as it is used five times in these three short verses. But the part of this conversation that resonates with me is the word “Go.”

Each Sunday at the close of our time together, I say, “Our worship ends, but our service begins…” In other words, “Go! Go forth from this place to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.” The whole idea that we go to church feels a bit incomplete. Because, in reality, we go from church to love our community in the name of Jesus.

Just as Abram and Sarai were commissioned to go from the comforts they knew and into the place God called them, we are commissioned to go from the comfort of our church home to the places where God has called us.

Which begs the question…where is God calling you to go during this season of Lent?

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