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Let’s Connect! Coffee, Queso, and Community at PCM

A Message from Amanda

To my fellow justice-doers, kindness-lovers, and humble-walkers,

I can’t thank you all enough for the warm and enthusiastic response to my recent transition to Director of Community Engagement here at PCM! I have been met with smiles, hugs, laughter, ideas, you name it! I am so excited to continue my work with our church family.

In this new role, I will continue overseeing the communications you’re familiar with (website, social, email, Tower Tidings) while also focusing on strengthening the bonds within our church family and deepening our connection with the broader community.

A key part of my new responsibilities includes working closely with our Community and Membership and Outreach Committees (who have been rockstars in this transition. Am I lucky or what?) We will be exploring new ways to engage people of all ages in giving back, finding their place at PCM, making connections, and living out Sunday’s benediction: Do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

I look forward to creating opportunities for us to serve together, grow in faith, and make a meaningful impact. So, to that end – I would love to hear from you! If you have ideas, passions, or simply want to get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether it’s volunteering, creating a new event (parking lot disco, anyone?), partnering with local organizations, or brainstorming new initiatives, there is a place for everyone here. You can email me, stop by the church office, or we can grab a coffee (or queso) together — I’d love to chat and dream big!

I am excited to see what God has in store for us and grateful to be on this journey with you.

Here we go!

PS: If you haven’t grabbed our Worship Plus Two booklet yet, please let me know or visit The booklet has some great opportunities you can explore! There is even a fun little exercise in the front that let’s you prayerfully and thoughtfully consider what fills your cup and how to give back, within and beyond the walls of our church!

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