Love Your Neighbor (3)

Love Your Neighbor Worship Series Begins October 6

Dear PCM Family,

This Sunday we’re launching a new worship series that will carry us through the first week in November. Together, we’ll be studying the book of James in a series called Love Your Neighbor. That feels like an appropriate topic to talk about during these weeks leading up to the big election on November 5. James is a fascinating book to discuss because it’s all about how we treat others and live out our faith. But not everyone is a fan of the book of James.

Martin Luther – the great Protestant reformer – did not include James among what he called the “chief proper books.”

He writes: “St. John’s Gospel and his first Epistle, St. Paul’s Epistles, especially those to the Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and St. Peter’s Epistle – these are the books which show to thee Christ, and teach everything that is necessary and blessed for thee to know…. Therefore, St. James’ Epistle is a perfect straw-epistle compared with them, for it has in it nothing of an evangelic kind.”

Luther famously said that if he found himself on a cold winter’s night and had nothing left for kindling a fire but his Bible, he would tear out the book of James first – and use that – a “perfect straw epistle…” But (all due respect, of course) – Luther was wrong. We actually have quite a lot we can learn from the book of James – especially when it comes to putting our faith into practice. So, I hope you’ll join us this Sunday – and over the next five weeks – for this special series called Love Your Neighbor.

AND… speaking of loving our neighbors… several of you have asked me how we might support those effected by the horrible devastation from Hurricane Helene. We will continue to learn more about what sorts of tangible needs exist – but for now – here are three entities that are certainly worthy of your financial support, if you’d like to donate:

Black Mountain Presbyterian Church – I have a friend who serves as the pastor there, and another who is a member. They are right in the heart of devastation and feeding 800 – 1,000 people every day.

Montreat Camp and Conference Center – One of the flagship gathering spots for meetings in our denomination.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance – PDA is already on the ground, offering aid through several presbyteries in the southeast.

I’m always blown away by the generosity of this congregation and I’m grateful that so many of you are looking for ways to help. Thank you, friends, for all you do!

In Christ’s love,


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