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Jacob Montgomery

Meet Our New Director of Music Ministries, Jacob Montgomery!

Dear PCM Family,

After a brief but very intense search, the DMM Search Committee seeking a new Director of Music Ministries is pleased to introduce Jacob Montgomery, who will be joining us on September 3, 2024.

Jacob brings a variety of talents and leadership experience to this position. For the past five years Jacob has served as Director of Worship Ministries and Artistic Director at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Rochester, NY, while completing his studies for his DMA from the Eastman School of Music. He has also completed the requirements for the Advanced Certificate in Music Theory Pedagogy. Additionally, Jacob is committed to pastoral care ministries, promoting a sense of community, inclusivity, and respect for our members and neighbors.

The committee is especially excited by Jacob’s true sense of faith. He was raised in a large Lutheran church, where his mother served as the Interim Music Director, so music has been very important to him from a young age. He started his college career as a chemistry major, but when he was offered the Organ Scholar role at Duke Chapel, he took an entirely different path.

Jacob believes that you never know how music can reach people. His work with adult choirs includes nurturing them and their appreciation for diverse literature through special “Music Sundays,” where the worship service is led entirely through music. He also loves working with children and youth, giving them performance experience and opportunities for leadership and developing community. He currently supervises the direction of two handbell ensembles and co-leads the youth choir, in addition to directing and accompanying the adult choir.  During his time at Bethany, he established the new youth choir, which has quadrupled its numbers in the last three years.

During his visit in July, Jacob loved learning about the history of our church and our commitment to a rich music program. He is excited to begin this new phase of his music career here at PCM.  The DMM Search Committee feels we have found the perfect person to continue and improve our music program here at PCM.  Jacob will move to Morristown with his dog, Sophie, at the end of August to begin work with us on September 3. We look forward to introducing you to him in worship on Fall Kickoff Sunday, September 8, so be sure to come and welcome him personally!


The Director of Music Ministries Search Committee
Linda Schober (Chair), Carolyn Crosthwaite, Craig Barth, Daniel Vigilante, Ken Clark, Michele Yampolsky, Pam Trovato, Sam Fairchild, Sharon Clemons, and Stephanie Crean.

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