Beginning this fall, the music ministry will embark on some new and exciting ventures! Director of Music, Matt Webb, and Director of Children’s Music, Ignacio Angulo-Pizarro, will be shifting some musical responsibilities to better serve our children and youth.
Matt will be leading the K-5 music program and Ignacio will become the director of the Ringers on the Green. Additionally, Ignacio will transition from being the Director of Children’s Music to Assistant Director of Music, a title that more appropriately encompasses the work that he does at PCM, both in his work with ROGs and his work in assisting Matt with all children’s, youth, and adult ensembles.
The K-5 choirs will have a new schedule on Wednesdays in the Parish House:
4:15 – 4:30 pm
Snack time in Sheffield Hall
4:30 – 5:15 pm
Grades K-2 Recreation/Story Time with Mrs. Mead in South Street Hall
Grades 3-5 Music Rehearsal with Dr. Webb in the Music Room
5:15 – 5:35 pm
Grades K-2 Music Rehearsal with Dr. Webb in the Music Room
Grades 3-5 Recreation with Mrs. Mead in South Street Hall
5:35 – 6:00 pm
Grades K-2 Art Time with Mrs. Mead in South Street Hall
Grades 3-5 Voice for Life Training in the Music Room
We will launch the Voice for Life program for grades 3-5, led by Dr. Webb to help teach musicianship on an individual basis with each student having an adult mentor to help them move through their musical training, learning basic music theory skills and how to better use their voices. The program has several reward levels, each of which is completed with an award ceremony that recognizes students moving from one level to the next. At the completion of each level, a student will be awarded a medal on a colored ribbon that coincides with the level they just finished (white, light blue, dark blue, red, yellow), like our acolyte program. Each student can work at their own pace to move through the levels of training. We will be opening this up to the community to help expand our children’s music program. Please feel free to invite your friends! For more information on Voice for Life from the Royal School of Church Music, please visit
We have lots of opportunities for our middle school and high school students to be involved in our Wednesday midweek program as assistants for Dr. Webb and Mrs. Mead. If you would like to be involved, please contact either of them at any time!
Additionally, Mr. A-P will begin a vocal choir for high school students that will rehearse on Sundays. More information will be coming soon as this new, exciting opportunity develops!
If you have any questions about our music program, either for children, youth, or adults, please contact Matt Webb at Registration will begin soon for our ensembles for the 2023-2024 season.