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Flowers (1)

New Flowers for Sunday Service!

Welcome to worship in comfort of South Street Hall.  Our first service there on June 30 was certainly refreshing and joyous!

Did you happen to notice the beautiful floral arrangement?  Did you know that they are silk flowers?  Since the number of donations of flowers each Sunday has dropped off significantly over the past two years, the Worship & Music committee this year agreed to have a silk arrangement made to use on Sundays when there was no one paying for a commemorative arrangement. 

We have also made arrangements with Flowers from Hannah, our supplier, to lower the cost of the arrangements from $164 (including delivery) to $140 (including delivery).  While we love our silk arrangement, we love remembering a loved one, or celebrating a joyous occasion with you through your flower donations. 

You can go in together with someone else to lower the cost even further if you wish.  Please contact Lynne Harmen or the church office ( if you would like to donate flowers.

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