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PCM’s ‘Love Your Neighbor’ Initiative: How You Can Get Involved

Dear PCM Family,

What an incredible morning it was at our annual fall kickoff last Sunday! The energy was high – with tons of kids and their families, great food, lots of laughs, and a buzz of excitement for the program year ahead. I heard great feedback about our refreshed Kids’ Care space and many positive comments expressing gratitude for the choir being back after the summer break, under the leadership of our new Director of Music Ministries, Jacob Montgomery.

So now, we turn our attention to all of the programs that begin this week… Sunday School for our young ones and Doughnuts and Theology for adults (both meet from 8:45 – 9:45 am at Church on the Green); Youth Group (11:30 am at the Parish House); Midweek for our elementary students (begins Wednesday); Bible studies; all church dinners, and more! Be sure to check the “Events” page at to find out what’s happening in the life of our church!

In the meantime, I want to make sure you know about our special giveaway, and the campaign associated with it, for this fall season. PCM’s Love Your Neighbor initiative has a vision of modeling kindness, working toward inclusive community, and undoing polarization. Through this campaign our hope is to focus the strength of our congregation in order to produce positive change in our spheres of influence, so that Morristown – and beyond – looks and behaves more like the Kingdom of God than it does today.

How can you be a part of it? Pick up a yard sign this Sunday and place it on your lawn, in a window at home, at your cubicle – anywhere you can – as a way to remember that our call from Jesus is to love our neighbors – all of them. And join us this fall as we explore how to love our neighbors with compassion, grace, and humility, even when it feels difficult. Together, we’ll learn from Jesus’ example, finding strength in His teachings to guide us through these uncertain times.

Can’t wait to see you in church, friends!

In Christ’s love,

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