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Photos: RISE Service Trip 2023

Our youth ministry had an incredible time on our RISE mission trip! We had three teams with fourteen students and six adult leaders working hard to make homes in Friendship, NY warmer, safer, and dryer.

Thank you to Emily Campbell, Ken Clark, Chris Crean, Theresa Crean, Gretchen Doner, Ed Dubay, and Rev. Daniel for caring for our students throughout the week. Our church is blessed to have these leaders who show us the grace, mercy, and love of Christ! Next time you see our students or leaders around Morristown or at church, ask them about the trip. They would love to share stories about the homeowners we helped, the projects we completed, the fun we had, and how we felt the Holy Spirit with us.

Thank you, church, for your thoughts and prayers during the week. Our youth ministry is grateful for you!

View RISE Service Trip 2023 Photos

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