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Potluck Presyterians

Potluck Presbyterians Monthly Dinner Sign Up – Spring 2024

For the love of good friends and fine dining!

Now’s the time to sign up for the spring 2024 session of Potluck Presbyterians!

“Potluck,” initiated over thirty years, has been reorganized following a three year interruption brought on by COVID. Our fall session greeted old members and welcomed several new ones, and we look forward to expanding our membership this spring!

Potluck provides adult members the opportunity for fellowship, good food, and good conversation. We gather in each other’s homes once a month over the course of three months to rekindle old friendships and make new ones. The fall semester includes October, November, and January, and the spring semester includes March, April, and May.

Those signing up as “regulars” are the backbone of Potluck, each committing to host one dinner (or brunch or lunch) in the semester. The host sets the date and time for the gathering, prepares the main course, and invites those on the pre-determined roster to bring the other elements of the meal. Hosts and guests are rotated each month, ensuring participants meet with different people each month. When you are called by the host, if you are not available for the month chosen, you simply opt out and the host will call on our substitute members.

With six to eight people at each event, it is easy for everyone. Simply prepare (or purchase) a favorite dish according to your assignment on the roster and show up at the appointed time and place.

That’s it! Life is good – and easy – for Potluckers!

What Will Be In Your Plate?

Please fill out the form below to participate no later than February 5, 2024.

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