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Alta Open Path (1)

Requesting Access to Church Using the Avigilon Alta Open App

The PCM Safety Ministry Team would like to remind you of one of the security measures in place to better assure the safety of our church community.

The Avigilon Alta Open system electronically controls access to the Parish House, Howard House, and Mutch Hall and the Sacristy at the Church on the Green. We have been using it at PCM since 2019.

Originally named OpenPath, Alta Open is an application that resides on your cell phone. It functions as an ‘electronic door key’, allowing you to unlock a door wirelessly by (1) opening the app on your phone to list the doors to which you have access, and (2) pressing the button next to the name of the door you wish to enter. (Bluetooth must be enabled on your phone when using the app.)

The extent of your access (i.e., specific entrances and timeframes) is set by the systems administrator (a PCM staff member) who can modify it going forward as needed. Those who need temporary access to our facilities (e.g., a contracted soloist attending choir practices, a vendor doing off-hours work, etc.) can be provided the Alta Open app with access limited to the timeframe required.

All church community members who regularly participate in scheduled activities at the Parish House or Church on the Green (outside of regular worship) should utilize the Alta Open application for building access.

The Avigilon Alta Open app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store (if you have an iPhone) or Google Play (if you have an Android phone). Once downloaded, you can request building access by filling out the form below. Please include your specific requirements (e.g., activities, location, days, and times) for consideration.

Using the Alta Open app is an important ‘best practice’ in maintaining secure church facilities. Complementing this are best practices to not leave doors propped open or unlocked (unless they are attended), and to not provide building access to someone you do not know.

Thank you and please stay safe!

Request Building Access

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