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Session Update

Session Highlights: February 2022

Changes in Register:


  • None


  • Mary Dingler on February 14th. (#9034)

New Members: 

  • None


  • Jeffrey Cramer, #9830 and wife Lee Anne Williamson, #9829


  • None

Session passed a motion to make masking optional in the Sanctuary and Parish House as of March 8, 2022. During nursery school hours, masking practice in the Parish House will follow PCNS practice.

The AD Hoc committee (Christine Volinsky, Karen Griffith, Clarence Curry, Beth Baldanzi, and Pastor Leslie) met to consider what is needed in the absence of an associate pastor. Part time, full time, covenant supply are all options although the committee’s preference is full time. It was determined that a committee seeking a temporary replacement should consist of representatives from Session, Deacons, W&M, M&A, and Outreach.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy M. Doidge

Clerk of Session

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