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Session Update

Session Highlights: February 2023

Changes in Register:

New Members: 0

Baptisms: 0

Marriages: 0
Deaths: Felicia Kolcun, 1/14/23, #9383

Dropped from Roll: Frank Gaden

Transfers: x

On February 12, 2023:

Ordination – Elders: Julie Hess

Installations – Elders: Rich Albright, Robin Ballard, Betty Darcy, *Sherry Guthrie, Julie Hess, David Krimmel, and *Linda Schober.

Ordination – Deacons: Carl Bruen, John Eyre, Mark DeMos, Lorraine Krimmel

Installation – Deacons: Carl Bruen, Mark DeMos, John Eyre, Marilynn Harris, Lorraine Krimmel, Leslie Mack.

*(On February 26, 2023)

Session approved the Baptism of Allison Gatter on March 19, 2023.

Presbytery Happenings: Meeting January 28, 2023

Edwin Gonzalez-Castillo is the new Presbytery Disaster Assistance (PDA) executive director. He spoke about the work of the PDA and its global mission as the need for their help is ever increasing due to weather and conflict throughout the world. On the PDA website ( there are documentaries that provide information and training. (Topics: Flint, To Breathe Free, and Trouble the Waters).

Voting took place on the next Set of proposed amendments to the Book of Order. This next set of five (5) proposed amendments dealt with issues such as boundary training for elders, child sexual abuse and child protection policies – who should get the training and how often. Antiracism and harassment policies create an atmosphere of health governance. Both of these proposed amendments were approved. The body approved allowing commissioned ruling elders (CRE) to be commissioned in one or more validated ministries of the presbytery. The body voted against the proposed amendment that would eliminate the title “Honorable” or “Honorably Retired.”

The Rules of Discipline will be the topic of the last set of proposed amendments to the Book of Order to be voted on at our March meeting.

All of the presbytery votes will be submitted to the Office of the General Assembly (OGA) and the final tally will be announced in July.

The newly revised Book of Order should then be ready by the fall. There were reports from the Nominating Committee, Property & Insurance, Young Leader Formation, Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center, and the Committee on Ministry made pastor introductions and announcements. (Rev. Webber was introduced). There is a new tool on the presbytery website- Northeast Crossroads Call Finder- which provides information for church professionals seeking congregational opportunities. Fifteen presbyteries are on board with this tool.

The Highlands Presbytery 2023 meeting schedule:

March 14, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., May 9, Tuesday, hybrid meeting at Johnsonburg Camp, September 9, Saturday, 10:00 a.m. hybrid meeting/First Pres Pluckemin, and November 14, Tuesday 7:00 p.m. on Zoom

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