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Session Update

Session Highlights: February 2024

Clerk’s Report:

Action item(s):

  • Action item:(s) Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 21, 2024 and the Annual Congregational Meeting held on February 4, 2024.

Changes in Church Register:

  • New Members: x
  • Baptisms: x
  • Marriages: x
  • Deaths:
    • Edward Scott, DOD January 25, 2024, #6725. Ed joined PCM fifty-four years ago, 5/25/1969. He will be buried in Western PA. near his daughter.
    • Shirley Gregory, DOD September, 2023, #1975. Mrs. Gregory became a member of PCM on April 18, 1943- 80 years ago! She was 95 years old.        
  • Dropped from Roll: x
  • Transfers: x


The statistical report was sent to the Office of General Assembly on January 26, 2024 after it was  approved at the January meeting. The PCM office was notified of two member deaths that occurred in 2023, unreported that year. Final statistics had been submitted. The Office of General Assembly allowed the Clerk of Session to resubmit our statistical information with the corrected numbers. Ending membership was 780. This impacts our 2025 per capita membership numbers.

Presbytery Happenings and Information:

The Presbytery meeting was held on zoom on January 28, 2024. Our commissioned elders were Betty Darcy, Craig Barth. Clerk of Session Wendy Doidge is a voting member by virtue of being a past moderator.

The Moderator of the Highlands Presbytery is Elder Sue Cail and Vice Moderator is Rev. Chad Rodgers. The theme of this meeting was “Sharing Our Gifts.” Elder Joe Martinoni gave the message during the worship service.

The first mission project presentation was from the Long Valley Church’s Committee Assistance Program & Food Pantry. The second mission presentation was given by Rev. Rich Gelson on the National Alliance on Mental Illness-NAMI- in Warren County. Rev. Gelson is the pastor at Pilgrim Church in Phillipsburg. One of their congregants committed suicide which prompted their pursuits with NAMI.

Commissioners participated in breakout groups dealing with these 2 questions: What do you need for the journey that Presbytery can provide and What do you have that you can share with Presbytery?

The next Presbytery meeting is March 12th via zoom. Our commissioned elders for this meeting are: Carolyn Crosthwaite, Sherry Guthrie, and Rich Schwartz.

Adjournment and Closing Prayer

There being no further business to come before the Session, the Session voted to Adjourn the Meeting and the Rev. Vigilante closed the meeting with prayer at 8:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Wendy M. Doidge
Clerk of Session

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