Session Update

Session Highlights: January 2022

Changes in Register:

  • None

The Session and Board of Deacons had a joint meeting online on Saturday, January 29, 2022:

~ Each year church leaders and committee members must re-read and sign the Sexual Misconduct and Child Abuse Policy. Abuse in any form is a violation of a person and such conduct is taken very seriously. Our leaders need to know PCM’s policy for the safety of everyone.

~ The Annual Statistical report was approved and can be found in the Annual Report.

~ Session approved the Minister Information Form (MIF) that was created through the hard work of our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). This information has been uploaded to the Presbytery website. This is the necessary step by which pastors seeking a new call find us. We have received applications (Personal Information Forms-PIF’s) already.

~ The Annual Congregational meeting inclement weather date is February 27, 2022 in the event we are unable to gather on the 13th.

~ Session confirmed the Bylaw change needed to acknowledge our electronic meetings. This requires Congregational approval.

Proposed Bylaw Replacement for 2D

“Meetings of the congregation, session, and any other teams, commissions, boards, groups, or bodies of the church may be conducted by electronic means, provided that the technology selected allows for simultaneous communication, and that all who would ordinarily participate in the meeting are able to access the technology chosen. Proxies shall neither be solicited nor recognized.”

~ Session approved Wendy Doidge as Clerk of Session and Karen May as Treasurer, both for one-year renewable terms.

~ An Ad Hoc committee was formed to explore our short-term, immediate needs as we say good-bye to Rev. Green.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy M. Doidge

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