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Session Update

Session Highlights: January 2023

Changes in Church Register:

  • Deaths: Karen Molitor on December 29, 2022

Many of the incoming Elders attended the January meeting. Introductions were made prior to the start of the meeting. There were two focus areas presented: budget management and a staff proposal for the consideration of the use of the space at the Church on the Green, the Chapel, and Howard House.

The 2022 Statistical report was approved by Session. This is a report required by our denomination. It contains information about the composition of our membership and financial information. A condensed copy of the report will be in the annual report.

Our per capita amount is determined by these numbers:

(761 members x $42.50 per capita (each) = $32,342.50 for 2024) 

This amount is owed to the denomination, and it is an obligation we uphold regardless of how many members pay or do not pay. Please prayerfully consider paying your share, 42.50 per each member (Your confirmed children became members upon confirmation). You may simply designate that amount from your pledges. It is not applied to per capita unless you authorize it as such.

For the February meeting, Session elders will attend our program “the Spiritual Child” given by Columbia professor, Lisa Miller. The regular meeting will be conducted after this program.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy M Doidge

Clerk of Session

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