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Session Update

Session Highlights: June 2023

Changes in Register:


  • Infant, daughter of Marissa Peach Huston Schimpf and Paul Alexander Schimpf, on June 11, 2023, the Rev. Daniel Vigilante officiating.


  • Recorded the Wedding of church member Jenna Earnhardt, to Kevin Joyce on May 27, 2023 at Christ the King Church, New Vernon, New Jersey.


  • Peter Palmer, 6/13/2023

From the Consent Agenda:

Session voted to approve the staff suggestions to continue the Chapel Pilot Program in September:

  • The 8:00 a.m. worship service will take place in the Chapel.
  • The education hour will be 8:45 – 9:45 a.m. in the Chapel.
  • The 10:00 a.m. worship service will be in the sanctuary at the Church on the Green.
  • Sunday School will move to the Howard House while childcare will remain in the Chapel transept, where it was located during the initial pilot program.
  • Following the time with young Christians, children would be invited to a special “children’s church”-type experience in the Chapel. This is a new idea, still being formulated.
  • The choir room will be for music program purposes.
  • The entire program will be evaluated by staff and session at the December 2023 meeting. Once again, the congregation will be asked for their input.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy M Doidge

Clerk of Session

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