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Session Update

Session Highlights: October 2022

Changes in Church Register:

New Members: None

Baptisms: Shannon Lobb on September 18 by Rev. Daniel Vigilante

Marriages: None

Deaths: Diana Jerry, DOD; 10/4/2022. #9177. Diana was a member for 23 years.

Dropped from Roll: #9787-Ulrike Youry, #9558-Daria Lisco

Transfers: Albert and Nancy Perkins #’s 9679 & 9680 respectively. (Removed from roll in 2017)

Rodney and Molly Lawrence #’s 9474 & 9475 respectively to Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, VA. (9/25/2022).

Anna Hess, #9729, to Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church, Baltimore, MD.

Re-instated: Judith Martorelli, #6721, from Hilltop-Mendham upon her request.


  • Outreach: Jan’s Closet- additional dates for 2023- the fourth Tuesday of each month, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
  • Outreach: $3,000 from Creative Benevolence donation to Bethel AME Church for pastor housing due to fire damage.
  • Baptisms: Infant baptism on October 30; Infant baptism on November 13.
  • Marriage: Jenna Earnhardt to Kevin Joyce, May 27, 2023.

Off Roll

  • Anna Hess- joined Brown Memorial Church in Baltimore, MD.
  • Rodney & Molly Lawrence- joined Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, VA.
  • And with regret:
  • Barbara King- Memorial Service September 24, 2022
  • Vicky Willson- Memorial Service- October 1, 2022
  • Diana Jerry- Memorial Service- October 14, 2022 (off-site)

Session Topics

Session elders enjoyed a change in “how we always do things” with Rev. Vigilante creating a new “focus area.” Each meeting will begin with an identified topic. This month the focus was on Stewardship. He explained that this year’s committee has devised a new approach to the campaign. Each of the four weeks of the campaign will focus on one of the four pillars of Giving that Matters: Faith That Matters, Worship That Matters, Outreach That Matters, and Community That Matters.

An elder from each of our nine committees gave a brief description as to what their committee was involved in that might not have been in their written reports.

Each committee is working on their individual budgets for 2023. Treasurer Kay May was in attendance and spoke of financial considerations for the upcoming year. Committee budgets are due on November 18th. Session will vote on the budget at its December meeting.

With Christmas falling on a Sunday this year, there was discussion as to the times for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. Final decisions will be made at the November meeting.

Respectively submitted,

Wendy M. Doidge
Clerk of Session

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