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Session Update

Session Highlights: October 2023

Changes in Register:

New Members:

  • Brittany Capizzi Brown
  • Madeline Edwards
  • Barbara Harper
  • John Harper
  • Rich Wilson
  • Lori Wilson


  • Infant on October 1, 2023
  • Infant on October 15, 2023
  • Infant on October 15, 2023

Marriages: None

Deaths: None

Dropped from Roll: None

Transfers: None

Cheryl Maginley, requested to be removed from our roll.

Our Presbytery offered a training for Clerks of Session in the wake of all the changes to the new Book of Order – the denomination’s compilation of doctrine, policies, and procedures. The clerk gave a brief overview of those changes to the session at this meeting. More information can be found in the Presbytery news below.

Session approved:

  • A Paint & Sip event for the nursery school moms on December 15. They will serve wine and appetizers using Sheffield Hall.

From Finance:

  • Motion to authorize spending up to $500,000 of our invested funds for the roof repair project at COG.
  • Motion to Authorize Finance to move forward applying for a PILP loan up to $1 million with the understanding that the intent is not to take out more than $500,000 from this loan and that further approval would be required to exceed that amount. It was also noted that the loan is for 20 years, with no pre-payment penalty.

The MOTION was made to forward the recommendation to the Committee on Ministry that Rev. Webber transition from covenant supply to an installed associate minister.

Presbytery News & Happenings

The next Presbytery meeting is Tuesday, November 17 via zoom. Our commissioned elders for this meeting are Clarence Curry, Jr., Rich Schwartz, and Karen Griffith.

The 225th General Assembly (GA) held in 2022 proposed amendments to the Foundations, the Form of Government, and the Directory for Worship. Approved by the majority of presbyteries, these changes are in the 2023-2025 edition of the Book of Order.

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