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Time to Pick Your 2023 Star Words

Time to Pick Your 2023 Star Words

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice” – T. S. Eliot

I must admit I love tangible things. Two of my favorite “tangible faith tools” we have here at PCM are our wonderful holding crosses and our prayer shawls, both of which are handmade by gifted members of our church. One of my other favorite “faith tools” is star words.

For those who have not received one before, the premise of star words is that the Magi followed the star to find baby Jesus, bringing their gifts to him. We are also looking for Jesus, and hoping for God to give us signs to guide us closer to the holy.

On Epiphany Sunday (January 8), everyone will be invited to take a star during worship. On each of the stars is a word. In some sense, the star chooses you instead of you that chooses the word (however if a word really doesn’t work for you, you are free to trade in your word). You are then invited to carry that word with you and take notice when it comes up in conversation, in your reading, and in all that you do throughout the year. Keep your star nearby – put it on your desk, your wallet, or your refrigerator so you can be reminded to have it be your guide as you trust God to hold you this coming year.

I cannot wait to receive our star words together this year as we let God be our guide this coming year!


Unable to pick up your 2023 Star Word in person on Sunday? Fill out the form below and we will mail it to you!

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