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Summer Reflections and Exciting Fall Beginnings

Dear PCM Family,

Wow… summer is quickly flying by! (My apologies for that little jolt of reality) But as much as I love this time of the year, I’m also excited for the kickoff of our fall programs! I hope you’ll take the time to read this issue of The Weekly for more info about all of the exciting things happening at PCM!

In the meantime, for those of you who may have missed worship this past Sunday, Sam Fairchild, an elder who serves on our Management and Administration committee – who was also part of our DMM search team – shared that we have a new Director of Music Ministries! Our new DMM will begin here at PCM on September 3, the day after Labor Day. Please look for a special announcement in your email tomorrow!

And… as we anticipate the arrival of our new Director of Music Ministries, we must also prepare to say farewell and thank you to Sarah Michal, who has served as our Interim Director of Music since January. Sarah has done a tremendous job leading the Chancel Choir and the children’s music programs during her time at PCM. She’s also been enormously valuable as a resource in worship planning and leadership. Not only that, she skillfully picked up all of the conducting duties for our choir’s tour of France this past May! In short, she made this time of transition in our music program a great success.

In addition, we will also say thank you to Ignacio Angulo-Pizarro who will conclude his time as Assistant Director of Music on September 1. Ignacio has filled many roles here at PCM, first working with our younger children by directing the Bel Canto and Bel Melodia choirs, then as Director of the Ringers on the Green, and, following Matt Webb’s departure, as Director of the Chancel Ringers, as well. Ignacio has helped lead our music program through significant transitions over these last few years and we have all benefited from his gracious, thoughtful, and inspiring musicianship. Fortunately, Ignacio will continue to play an important role in our Chancel Choir as staff singer for the tenor section. He’ll also be our featured singer in worship this Sunday!

Please be sure to worship with us on September 1 as we give thanks for and celebrate the music ministries of Sarah Michal and Ignacio Angulo-Pizarro!

In Christ’s love,

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