You Are Created in the Image of God

A Message from Daniel Dear PCM Family, In a sermon a few weeks back, I mentioned a meaningful conversation that took place during our February Session meeting. Last month, our elders talked about how to create safe spaces for all – and how to communicate, to the folks outside our doors, PCM’s commitment to being […]
Series: Being an Affirming Community: Exploring Faith, Inclusion, and Identity

Join us for a thought-provoking series of programs on what it means to be an affirming community of faith. Through engaging discussions and meaningful dialogue, we will explore the intersection of faith, gender, and sexuality. All are welcome as we seek to grow in understanding, love, and affirmation for all. Wednesday, March 26 at 5:45 […]
Everyone Is Welcome Here. Really. Everyone.

A Message from Daniel Hope you’re all healthy and well during this season when so many among us seem to be coming down with the cold, flu, covid, and other nasty bugs. If you’ve been sick – or staying in from the chilly weather – please know that we miss you and look forward to […]
Celebrating Pride Month at PCM

Love knows no boundaries, and everyone deserves to be celebrated and embraced for exactly who they are. Learn what pride means to our PCM family.
June 1: Community-Wide Witness for Love

The Morristown Community is having a gathering for prayer and witness Thursday evening, June 1, at Church of the Redeemer at 7:00 pm. All are welcome to attend this special event.
Witness for Love

Many of you have probably seen in the local news that the sign in front of Church of the Redeemer on South Street was vandalized last Friday, shortly after Pride flags were raised on the property. As a response, the Morristown Community would like to have a gathering for prayer and witness Thursday evening, June […]