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Pie Sale

The 2023 PW Pie Sale Is Here!

Back by popular demand, Circle 5 (of PCM’s Presbyterian Women) will again be baking and selling Pumpkin and Apple pies!

Order Details

Order by: Sunday, November 12.

Cost: $15.00 per pie, or any donation amount. Pies must be pre-ordered this year.

To Order: Please complete the order form below by November 12. Pies may also be ordered by picking up a pie order form at the front office.

Pies will be available for pick up on Sunday 11/19 after church. Pies not picked up on 11/19 will be put in the freezer and you will need to pick them up at the Parish House. Any pies left after Tuesday 11/21 will be donated. If you have special requests or need to make other arrangements, please note them on the order form. Thank you for your support!

Pie Order Form

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