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Advent 1

The First Sunday of Advent

Author: Bob Spurr

Reading: Isaiah 64: 1-9


The season of giving is upon us, there is conflict in the world, and the needs in our communities near and far are significant. What has been our effort in loving all, and how have we used our gifts to serve the Lord? Consider each day what enriches you spiritually and draws you closer to experiences demonstrating our love and caring for each other. Within our homes and for all those we engage daily, give thanks for the journey is joyful, challenging, and often consumed with periods of loneliness and sadness.

Supporting each other is not something seasonal but a way of life. Share your gifts generously, as it is part of our Christian duty. Our PCM faith community is built on a foundation of serving all. Bring your gifts to share as the needs are plenty, and our community is strong with us all banding together for ALL!


God of us all, we are so grateful that you call us to be a community. As we enter this season of Advent, may the light of hope guide our hearts, the warmth of love embrace our souls, and the promise of your coming fill us with anticipation and joy as we share our gifts with gratitude for your glory. Amen.


As we care for each other, create a different kind of advent calendar this year. Instead of the chocolate ones you find at the store, write down on small pieces of paper tasks you could do throughout the Advent season and place them in a jar. Do it with a friend or family member, and take turns picking a task for the day. Name things such as: Compliment someone, make a handmade card for a friend, help with a household chore, leave a positive note for a colleague, smile and say hello to a stranger, bake cookies for a neighbor.

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