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“The Gospel According To” Series Kicks Off On July 2!

A Message from Daniel

This summer, we are planning a sermon series called The Gospel According to _____. The idea is to fill in that blank with a different subject each week. It could be a singer, author, artist, movie, TV show, abstract concept, or any other creative possibility you can think of… which is why I need your help. We’re hoping you will offer suggestions for our summer series.

Ever since binge-watching the first season of Ted Lasso, I thought the show would make a great subject for a sermon series. If you’re unfamiliar, Ted Lasso is a fictional coach who leads his Division 3 college football team to a national championship. That leads him to get hired to coach a European football (soccer) team in London. The show follows Lasso, with his unconventional but winsome style of leadership, and his team, the Richmond Greyhounds. Tonight is the finale of season three – and possibly the whole series.

While I was in London last week, I visited the actual town of Richmond, on the outskirts of London. It was really neat to see locations that feature prominently on the show, including the pub where Ted and his friends hang out. In fact, I wasn’t the only Ted Lasso fan to visit Richmond – or this pub. Seated at the next table was a family from New Jersey! The bartender said that 90% of the people who frequent the pub are Americans who watch Ted Lasso.

As you’re probably guessing by now… one of the weeks of our summer series will be The Gospel According to Ted Lasso. But I’m hoping you’ll provide additional ideas to help shape this fun summer series. So, feel free to get creative and to pass along your ideas! We’ll have nomination forms available in the narthex each Sunday in June. We want to know what (or who) you think would make a great subject for a summer sermon – and why! Tell us how you see the gospel in and through something you love… and you might just hear us preach about it this summer!

In Christ’s love,

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