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Advent 2

The Second Sunday of Advent

Author: Robin Ballard

Reading: Mark 1:1-8


The sacrament of baptism is how we are marked as God’s own. John the Baptist acted in fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah by baptizing individuals after they confessed their sins, all while understanding that Jesus was going to be the one to baptize with the Holy Spirit.

As Christians, we all have been baptized and claimed as God’s children. We are united with brothers and sisters all over the world who share our beliefs. We have been given the gift of knowing that in our baptisms, we were cleansed of our sins, and there is no sin so great that our Heavenly Father would not forgive us. Let us rejoice in knowing we are saved through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


God, thank you for marking us as your children. Help us to be worthy of your grace and to remember the sacrifices made for our salvation.



Gather some symbols of your baptism.  Light a candle, grab a bowl of water, and find an object which represents when you were baptized.  Sit with these objects as you repeat the prayer to yourself.  Dip your hand in the water and feel its coolness as you remember that you are marked as God’s own this season of Advent.

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